Just Ate Some Mushrooms :)


Active Member
Why would anyone choose to consume anything that results in a hangover, when one could consume a substance that results in an afterglow?

Misinformation or ignorance is my only explanation.... but for those HS section people who like to drink, do you guys still get hangovers?


Active Member
Why would anyone choose to consume anything that results in a hangover, when one could consume a substance that results in an afterglow?

Misinformation or ignorance is my only explanation.... but for those HS section people who like to drink, do you guys still get hangovers?
Oh yeah. Hangovers suck. Usually the result of not enough water the night before.

The reason behind such, for me, is my current societal role. Too many responsibilities, and not enough free time.


Well-Known Member
Well, because NP88 our government likes us to makes asses of ourselves and then feel shitty in the morning.

I personally don't get hangovers very often. And when I do they are very light. I have found that staying awake until you feel sober a little helps a lot, drinking water helps. Smoking helps.. I mean don't get me wrong I've had my fair share of terrible hangovers. They are just avoidable if your not getting shit faced.


Active Member
back when I drank tons, I used to chug water before bed and stay awake until i was sobering up. I also would sleep many many many hours the next day, so its possible i just slept through some hangovers. I'll be drinking tonight for the first time in ages. I can't afford to over do it because i have a day of studying to do tomorrow. Suuuccckkks.