Just Bought A 250 Watt Metal Halide Bulb Now What?


So i just bought a 250 watt bulb but i need something to hook it up to. What are my choices im looking for something pretty cheap since im prob only going to try to grow one plant in my closet.

I went to a local grow shop in my town and they told me i would need a reflector and a ballast and it would be 170 dollars in total. I am planning on buying that but i wanted to check if there were any better cheaper options. Thanks


Well-Known Member
There are, though you will have to be comfortable with doing a bit of wiring. You can search for reflector ideas on this site. Lots of people have done it. White painted aluminum sheet can be a good start, with some cutting and mounting to create a reflector. For ballasts, 1000bulbs.com has about the lowest prices. I haven't used them, but they are popular on RIU. Add a socket, and that's the basic equipment you would need.