Just bought a "rare" cactus hybrid off eBay. San Pedro X Bridgesii. Still a few left.


Well-Known Member
Whats up? Thought I'd share a link for you guys. I just found some awesome hybrid cacti, San Pedro X Bridgesii, on eBay. There is 3 left and apparently they are rare. I have only seen seeds for sale, never any seedlings.

Either way, I'm excited to try the cross. Should be the best of both worlds. San Pedro is usually the more euphoric and sedating cactus, and less visual. Bridgesii is apparently the stronger variety of magic cacti because of the MAO inhibiting alkaloids in it. Combined with the San Pedro, it should be an interesting trip.

For those of you that may not know.. San Pedro, Bridgesii, and Peruvian Torch are a few of the many mescaline containing cacti. They can be digested whole, as a tea, or the mescaline can be extracted. Either way its a good time! Cactus have become my favorite psychedelics by far.

Anyhow, here is the link. Let me know if you decide to pick one up!

Whats up? Thought I'd share a link for you guys. I just found some awesome hybrid cacti, San Pedro X Bridgesii, on eBay. There is 3 left and apparently they are rare. I have only seen seeds for sale, never any seedlings.

Either way, I'm excited to try the cross. Should be the best of both worlds. San Pedro is usually the more euphoric and sedating cactus, and less visual. Bridgesii is apparently the stronger variety of magic cacti because of the MAO inhibiting alkaloids in it. Combined with the San Pedro, it should be an interesting trip.

For those of you that may not know.. San Pedro, Bridgesii, and Peruvian Torch are a few of the many mescaline containing cacti. They can be digested whole, as a tea, or the mescaline can be extracted. Either way its a good time! Cactus have become my favorite psychedelics by far.

Anyhow, here is the link. Let me know if you decide to pick one up!


I will wager that it will always be your favorite - it is mine.
I will wager that it will always be your favorite - it is mine.

Haha I'm not surprised you've got one man, you seem educated in the field. I'm glad you do though cause I was curious about the effect. I would imagine there is MAOI's involved because of the Bridgesii genes correct? Is it more of an edgy, or smooth trip?
Haha I'm not surprised you've got one man, you seem educated in the field. I'm glad you do though cause I was curious about the effect. I would imagine there is MAOI's involved because of the Bridgesii genes correct? Is it more of an edgy, or smooth trip?

Smooth, though I will not ever again tamper with the whole plant and do extractions only - I am waiting for situations to change a bit and then will be doing such an extraction from peruvian torch
Smooth, though I will not ever again tamper with the whole plant and do extractions only - I am waiting for situations to change a bit and then will be doing such an extraction from peruvian torch

NICE pics man, that is awesome. I feel like you would appreciate these other cacti I picked up. In combination with that San Pedro X Bridgesii hybird, I got one of each of san pedro and peruvian torch..

The first 3 pics are the San Pedro. Apparently the base is 15 years old. The 4th one is the Peruvian Torch, and it also has an old base. So they should grow pretty quick through this season.

I picked a six pack up of Bridgesii seedlings as well, at this link...


Excited to get all these started. Seems like you have been doing it awhile.


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Thanks! Now do these do better under HPS, Halide, or a windowsill?

Outdoors if you can, but Metal Halide is best for artificial light. They do grow indoors but your need lots of sun, so full southern exposure if possible. MH works great though if you have the extra space. I will be growing mine outdoors and overwintering inside.
Thanks so much for the link, just purchased one seedling. I'm starting a succulent garden and this will be an excellent addition.

Just out of curiosity what kind of soil mix do you guys use for succulents? Do you guys inoculate the roots with mycorrhizae?
Thanks so much for the link, just purchased one seedling. I'm starting a succulent garden and this will be an excellent addition.

Just out of curiosity what kind of soil mix do you guys use for succulents? Do you guys inoculate the roots with mycorrhizae?

No problem man, that's awesome you picked one up. Only 1 left for now.

I use a cactus/succulent/bonsai mix for mine. Its basically peat moss, turface, and perlite. You can find cactus mixes and most stores, but any very good draining mix will work.

You can use microbial treatment, or mycorrhizae with your cacti for sure. All plants benefit from beneficial microbes, but its not necessary. A simple low nitrogen cacti fertilizer is great for food too. A 1-7-6 ratio is perfect for cacti.
Bublonic, if you're gunna pull the trigger it seems this is the one you want to pull it on ;-).

Nameless, thanks for the info. Where I live its hot and dry so this baby should thrive. How often do you water?
I been wantin to get a cacti for months now, just to scared to pull the trigger on ordering

eBay man, its totally safe. I can't tell you how many times I have bought cacti. It's totally legal and unregulated, nothing to worry about I assure you.

Bublonic, if you're gunna pull the trigger it seems this is the one you want to pull it on ;-).

Nameless, thanks for the info. Where I live its hot and dry so this baby should thrive. How often do you water?

Nice man, it'll like that. Be careful though because believe it or not they can get too much sun in the summer. Look out for sunburn (bleaching, yellowing). Give em about 30% shade throughout the day. Just keep an eye on them in the hot summer sun.

They aren't like most cactus, they can take a bit more water and cool weather because they originate from the moutains of Peru. They still like to dry out in between waterings though, so careful not to overwater. Just water once the soil dries out.

Really man these things are beasts, very hard to kill. You can cut off the top of one and leave it in a closet for years and it will live. That cutting would still form roots if you stuck it in soil.

And a little stress on them is actually good, because they form more alkaloids as a defense mechanism.
eBay man, its totally safe. I can't tell you how many times I have bought cacti. It's totally legal and unregulated, nothing to worry about I assure you.

Nice man, it'll like that. Be careful though because believe it or not they can get too much sun in the summer. Look out for sunburn (bleaching, yellowing). Give em about 30% shade throughout the day. Just keep an eye on them in the hot summer sun.

They aren't like most cactus, they can take a bit more water and cool weather because they originate from the moutains of Peru. They still like to dry out in between waterings though, so careful not to overwater. Just water once the soil dries out.

Really man these things are beasts, very hard to kill. You can cut off the top of one and leave it in a closet for years and it will live. That cutting would still form roots if you stuck it in soil.

And a little stress on them is actually good, because they form more alkaloids as a defense mechanism.

I have found that everything you say is correct. The cactus will sunburn but you can harden them so that they will withstand full sunlight. Water? I water my plants once a week in the summer and once a month in the winter. The real issue is the porosity of your soil, you want that soil to be sandy enough so that it will store very little water, you can saturate your soil so long as you know that the soil will be fully dry after two days. The cactus will absorb all the water it needs in the mean time. The more water you are able to give your cactus the faster that cactus will grow - however, they don't like "wet feet" and they will rot in short order if they are made to grow in medium that does not drain well.
Thanks for the info guys. I'm gonna be making some biochar for my MJs and was thinking of adding some to my succulent mix...any of you used that?
Wat kinda bonzai or w.e is that in ur avatar Nameless?

It's just a picture of one of my favorite bonsai's. I'm pretty sure its a water jasmine, but its hard to tell for sure. Here is a link to a few of my bonsai's..


Thanks for the info guys. I'm gonna be making some biochar for my MJs and was thinking of adding some to my succulent mix...any of you used that?

I haven't used biochar just charcoal, but I don't imagine it would hurt to use. I use charcoal for my terrariums and stuff mainly, but it is a great soil amendment.

I'd like to try some of that biochar, seems worth wile.