Thank you az2000 for explaining the symptoms of each deficiency and for the cheap tip. I've written it down and will definitely be using it in the future if I continue to have this problem. I am planning on upgrading and running R.O. RDWC after this go around.
For ca def, it's not as easy to buy calcium at the local grocery store.
I dissolve eggshells in vinegar, (<<link) breaking down the calcium carbonate into relatively pure ca. Should be more immediately acting because typical calcium carbonate products (antacid tablets, etc.) won't need to breakdown in the soil. And, it's not adding nitrogen like calcium nitrate does. (Nothing wrong with adding nitrogen. Just not what I'm trying to fix if I have a ca def.).
If you go hydro you'll probably want to buy bulk quantities of calcium nitrate to treat ca def. I'm not sure dissolved eggshell would be ok for hydro. It should be just ca. But, might have organic stuff like residual egg white, membrane, etc., that would promote slime growth. I don't know.
Just saying it's better to treat mg or ca def independently if they occur independently. And, if you go hydro you might as well buy calcium nitrate and then use HydroBuddy (google for it) to calculate how much epsom salt and calcium nitrate to use together for an optimum ratio. (You can even buy NPK in bulk and figure out your own amounts.).