Just Built a Grow Room/Need a little help


Active Member
I just built a grow room in my attic. It is completely hidden and secret stealth. lol. it is divided into three partitions, the front of the room is a basic staging area hidden entrance, spray bottle etc etc blah blah. This room is tiny. the second partition will be my veg room. it measures 4' long 8' across and 6'2" high. the flowering room is the same dimensions as the veg area.

I plan on growing in soil and am have some jock horror and white widow seeds en route as we speak.

I live close enough to htgsupply that i am goin to drive up the the store with a buddy and since i am gonna be spending a lot of money i figured i better get a clear answer to the one question that has been plaguing me this past week.

What type of light would be best for my veg and flowering rooms.. Take into account the low hieght. I was thinking a 600w mh for veg and a 600w hps for flowering room would suffice? I am completelty lost, here and would really like to utilize this room to its fullest capacity. so do you all think a 600 whps is good for a 4'x8' flowering area or should i step it up?

Basically what i am saying is if you had this size grow room

VEG area= 4'L x 8'W x 6'2"H

Flower Area=4'L x 8'W x 6'2"

what type, and how many lights would you use to get banging buds, but not use too too much electricity. and keep in my my ceiling is a little lower than the norm.

also any other suggestions would be awesome i.e. growing mediums and personal techniques for perfect buds, this is my first attempt at growing and i really want to do it right.