Just one question!!!

Avon lee

Active Member
I am a first time HARVESTER. The only question I have is IS SHE READY TO BE CUT????
I don't have a magnifying glass and I'm probably not gonna buy on this crop!
She has been flowering for 9 Weeks. Please help as I am sitting in front of her with the cutters! Lol
If I am to soon PLEASE LET ME KNOW!


Avon lee

Active Member
Well she's already been in the light for 3 hrs so I suppose I'll check back for answers first thing tomorrow mornin


Well-Known Member
Default answer is gonna be " wait another week " lol

Those pocket microscopes are cheap enough, I would just go ahead and get one to check the trichs.....might be glad you did ;)

Avon lee

Active Member
Yea thats what I figured. I actually set it 10 Weeks but my buddy chopped his down today and it still had massive amounts of white hairs and he's harvested b4 so I was gonna try. But ill just give it another week and a couple days of complete darkness and it chop chop after that. I have a blue mistic in the 5th week of flowering that could really use the extra light. Thanks DABONG


Well-Known Member
You want orange-brown hairs, not white ones. Those hairs are pistils and the pistils turn color just before the tris, usually.
