Just planted for the first time, any pointers?


Active Member
Alright so here is my set up
-4ft tall,3ft wide grow box with two tube grow lights and one bulb grow light at the top, its supposed to have an advaced wider light spectrum. I also have a digital humidity/temp. thing, it stays around 80 in there give or take 2, it has fans for air circulation.
-The soil im using is Fox Farm Ocean Forest, i also have some organic starter soil. Im using store bought spring water. I also have some organic all around fertilizer that i will use later on in the pant growth.
-the plant im growing is nirvana seeds short rider (from what i read its a good beginer strain)

Okay so i got my seeds in a little over a week ago and germinated them, the old paper towl method, worked great. So then when they got about half inch little tail roots on them i planted them root down in a hole i made using a nail, i left the main seed pod part of the seed sticking out of the soil just a little bit, then i watered with spring water using a pray bottel set to mist (took a while to get enough in there) so that i wouldnt wash the seed out or pack the soil too tightly, then i barly sprincled a little soil on top, like hardly any, then srayed it again to wet that part. I just did that yesterday and already they have pushed through the soil and started making little leaves.

This is my first real try at growing so could someone shoot me some pointers, some things i could do now that will help it later? how long a seedling should be left in the light,.. just anything really.

Thanks alot guys.


Active Member
Oh and how often should i water them, i watered them last night and then again this morning when i got up, and thats what i plan to keep doing, is this good or should i do it more or less?


Well-Known Member
You're not waterboarding them. Slow down on the water until they get larger and need it. You would probably be ok with a little water once day at this point.


New Member
1st piece of advice: People LOVE pictures! Post some!

You will get more responses. ;)

Have a great day man! And a great grow!


Active Member
You didnt say how many watts of lighting you have and what kind it is. If it is fluorescent which it sounds like it is, it doesnt sound like enough to me. Fluorescent lights should be down close to the plants like 2-4". I started off with 2 - 4' t8 Fluor strips in about a 5 x 3 grow area and quickly figured out it wasnt enough light. They weren't the HO lights though. I switched to CFL's so I can control things better. If the pots you are using dont have holes in the bottom you can drown your plant. Just feel the soil and when it seems dry give em a little sprinkle. Many people water till it runs off, I just give them a good drink. yes pictures would be great! Dont jack around with the light schedule, if you are in veg. figure out what you want and stick with it. Dont be in a hurry, plants take time. If you start having plant problems dont just start trying different things, try to figure out what is going on or has been changed and then decide on a plan of action. A shotgun approach of different "cures" frequently ends in a disaster. Personally I'd ditch the store bought water and go with tap water or even better, rain water. Dont get carried away with Nutes, it will cause you more problems than good.

Above all else click on the following, read it and have a good time:



New Member
The best advice I can offer is too read, study, plan, and act. There is tons of great info in the stickies and other's here to help you. Please click the link in my signature you will find a bunch great how to vids. Good Luck!


Active Member
You say you have these lights at the top? They're fluorescent right?
How many watts you got?

You want them nice and close they don't give off much heat so you can have them about 2 inch from the plant without burning them.

Don't water them until they are getting dry, I over-watered mine so much in my first grow and I gave too many nutrients when it got further along. Go easy on them. Giving them too much causes more damage than giving them too little.


Active Member
I have around 225wats in the tree lights that are in the grow box. It is 83* degrees in the box right now with the fan going. the two tube lights are going down the sides of the box the span from the top to the bottom, then there is the one bulb at the very top center. also the walls on the inside are white to reflect the light.


Active Member
Here are two pictures of the seedlings, you cant really tell but the large brown thing in the center is the seed pod being pushed up with the leaves comming out, you cant really tell because of my crappy camera though. just yesterday i put them in this container after germinating, i poked a hole in the soil with a nail then i put them in the hole tail root down then covered with about a cm of soil and its already pushed the pod out of the soil.
Picture 13.jpgPicture 14.jpg


Well-Known Member
do less......not more. remember the "stretch" post 12/12. be a ph Nazi. and.....LOL.....water-boarding! funny. right on.....roots like to breathe.


Active Member
Here are some pictures from day 2.

The leaves have came out and i think it has just two right now. seems to be doing good and moving along pretty fast so far though.

(im sorry for the crapy pictures Iv got a better camera some where, ill find it soon)
Picture 17.jpgPicture 18.jpg


Active Member
Night 2 and i already have small amounts of mold growing on top of the soil, I just picked it out, but im sure it will come right back. What should i do?