Just purchased some FF Light warrior...i have some questions.


Well-Known Member
new to growing and i just bought some FF light warrior i was wondering is this good for seedlings?...and can i use this soil through out the whole proccess because im trying to avoid switching soil...and one more last question what Nutes would be good to start off and how much should i feed my seedlings?....thanks RIU
if you can afford general hydroponics or go a google search on them I think you will find that their 3 pasrt system is awesome for beginners and advanced alike, plus they throw in a feeding schedule for you so there is no guess work.
im not sure but i was recomended the same stuff fox farms light warrior for starting them then some ocean something to finish them in
you can use any fox farm product from start to finish. i use Ocean Forest from start to end with a few added things but have had good results with it.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
mix the ff light warrior with sunshine mix #4, that will take u thr013.jpgough the whole process with awsome results. nutes id go with house and garden the whole way through also. they have an easy feed chart seedlings002.jpg through flower.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
so easy, just get the sunshine mix posted above. the only thing u do more of is watering. if u go with good nutes its a no fail routine. so easy. but dont take it the wrong war alot of hard work goes into growing as u know.