Pure bs myth im afraid...
Without bothering to get to soil simply start with tap water science which states that the few ppm of chlorine does not affect established populations, its there from preventing new ones getting established.
Another fact before even getting to soil is that tap water is not a sterile product, magnify enough and theres tons of microrganisms living amongst all that chlorine. Suffice to say water plants and pipes have their own microherd.
Now to soil, this stuff has been the biggest non stop battle ground for millions of years, you really think very weak ass ppm chlorinated water will do anything whatsoever.... mainly somthing will eat assimilate or it will break down in some endothermic reaction after a short while few days.
Most first world water supplies use a solid chlorine and not a gas which is when you could let it sit out to dissapate, mainly that wont work with modern chlorine planrs. Its cheaper rhan gas and easier to dose.
Just one of the few chems in water but none kill your garden or negate you cleaning the shower and toilet and it certainly wont do zilcho to our soil or plants.
Place raw meat in a dish of water, does the water sterelise the bacteria? Nope