Just saying hi

hey guys, been lurking on this website for a while now but only registering now. sick of buying crappy weed so im planning my first grow. i have a friend with many years experience that can help me. i look forward to sharing my progress and ideas with you all. peace out.


Active Member
Welcome to the forum! I'm kind of new here too and I love the community because they're so helpful and awesome!



Well-Known Member
hello . be prepared to not see shit coming. be prepared for it to cost you money when it does come. If you're dedicated you'll do fine, if not you'll throw in the towel probably fairly early, I wish you luck and look forward to your results.
Welcome man, like Islam said rollitup is a great community. I just gotta say tho man dont just start growing out impulse or you'll end up wasting money and growing shitty buds. Good luck though and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! Good people here. Best I've found on the net for this stuff. Read read read..:bigjoint: