Just set up grow closet, need advice (pics)


New Member
I've got a light fixture contraption I built with 10 26w daylight cfl's, that I can raise/lower as my plants grow and two mounted lights with 2 more bulbs on the sides. I plan on getting three more mounted light things so i can have one per pot. 5 pots total, one plant per pot, the soil is a mix of garden soil, top soil, and peat moss. I've got some tomato plant food that I plan to mix with its water when i water it after a month of vegging. I've got soft white 23watt bulb to replace the daylights when i bud. I'm wondering if this setup will give me some good closet gro

(the last 2 pics have the lights raised just to show it better)



Well-Known Member
Just the basic stuff like pH, fresh air, temperature and humidity, etc. Getting those right the first time is critical. When you say garden soil, what part of the garden did the soil come from. i.e. what was growing their previously.