Just Started To Learn Guitar.


not sure if this is the right place for this topic.
anyway i have only been at it for a month.
anyone else started their journey ?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Yeah man! I started about 14 years ago though. It takes repetitiveness. You'll get tired of playing the same stuff over & over again.. As well as others around you getting tired of it. Just gotta power through. Youtube is awesome. I wish it was around when I started. What kind of music ya into?


Well-Known Member
I recently bought my girl a piano... I've never played a day in my life.. start practicing a couple weeks ago. I love it. Im thinking about getting some real lessons.

Best of luck to you with guitar. I tried it, couldnt get the hang of it, but Im sure if you stick with it, you'll do good.


Well-Known Member
i trying to learn to play banjo been at it almost 2 years but i havent been diligent for a while. its fricken hard and with not being able to consentrate all the time it makes it harder. learning pink floyd squeeze box some bluegrass picken good luck budlet


Well-Known Member
not sure if this is the right place for this topic.
anyway i have only been at it for a month.
anyone else started their journey ?
start with twinkle twinlke little star then work you way up to Pa Pa Pa Poker Face.

I started playing back in 1960 and made a liveing at it and retired...put two kids through school and live nice...........practice practice practice ....experiment with differant tuneings.........feel what you are playing dont get to technical in the way you read music and play it.......loosen up.............main thing ENJOY IT.


Active Member
I was just practicing my bass today. I've tried keyboard, violin and now bass guitar. I rap, write songs and produce with electronic drum machines and PC programs, but I really want to get "nice" on a real instrument. I think the bass is finally the instrument for me. :blsmoke: I'll keep trying til I go into the pine box! I'm a music lover and I say never give up if it's in your heart.

The trees help me loosen up, because I get sooooo tense when I'm practicing, so I know exactly what you're talking about StonedPony. Can't wait til harvest!


Well-Known Member
been playing guitar for almost 4 years now....

the key to success is breaking in your technique to get as advanced as you want to go in the first few years, then work on improvisation and creativity.

when you have the good baseline skill, creativity comes a lot easier... cannabis will make guitar playing infinitely more entertaining...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

gotta love blazing up a small jay and just hitting those strings, seeing what you can come up with..


Well-Known Member
I've been playing for 10 years, i also play some piano mostly blues, I have a fiddle but cant play it, diggeredoo cant play it either..

just started to learn the harmonica though pretty cool, pretty easy


Well-Known Member
ive been playing for about 15 years now...also play bass and drums..but i only play live on guitar...best advice...learn the basics...correct way to hold the pick..strumming...tuning..then start learning different methods and styles....also this might help you..im helping the guys from devil driver develop a site just for guitarist...teaches you lessons..gives backgrounds on some top named guitarist...give it a look..many things on there to help novice players to veterans...http://www.allaxess.com/


Well-Known Member
My guitars are my babies.

We do have a music forum, where the topic might be better appreciated, but I have no authority.

As long as you can read tablature or have a good ear, you can play anything. A friend who plays or online tutorials might help you out as far as refining techniques and correct fingering. I taught myself alot, but the way I was holding chords and transitioning wasn't always the most efficient way of doing so. Ultimate-guitar.com will be your best friend. x


Tabs are your freind.. Also practice more then one genre.. Study your favorite bands. You will pick up different things from different artist and you will mold these into your own unique style.


Well-Known Member
been playin 7-8 yrs myself ,Glad i kept with it.Tabs are your friend i can agree.The only way to get better,time and practice +patience.You cant start thrashing and mashing at day 1 thats for sure


Well-Known Member
My guitars are my babies.

We do have a music forum, where the topic might be better appreciated, but I have no authority.

As long as you can read tablature or have a good ear, you can play anything. A friend who plays or online tutorials might help you out as far as refining techniques and correct fingering. I taught myself alot, but the way I was holding chords and transitioning wasn't always the most efficient way of doing so. Ultimate-guitar.com will be your best friend. x

I wish it was that easy... there are certain things that require a ridiculous level of talent to play...such as that of the complex guitar riffs of joe satriani, john petrucci, jimmy hendrix, jimmy page . . . I've been shreddin for years and this shit is still something I cannot accomplish...

but tabs are fun don't get me wrong, I love being able to go to one and play it if I wasn't sure... but nowadays I can hear what notes they are playing and just go right to em...playing by ear.


Active Member
I have been playing guitar for many years too. I absolutely love to blaze up and let er rip. Seems like I can play more effortlessly while stoned, I learn new tunes faster if I practice while I'm stoned.. the more complicated passages and fingering get a little smoother to execute and feels cooler while stoned on some sativa or some A11. :cool:

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I kick arse at the guitar... if I'm playing my own music... I can't play anybody elses music... fuck 'em... I do me... cause I'm a bawss like that...

I don't know one chord from the other but I can play my soul... and that's all that matters to me... I hope you can find the music that is within you... cause that is what is important with an instrument.. cause it is just an instrument to express yourself... I hjope you don't get too caught up in trying to represent other peoples music on your journey...