just started


Active Member
hi new to all this just wondering if any one had any tips or any thing just started my 1st indoor and normally i am a outdoor have done around 50 outdoor my latest was power plant ended up with 10 from 30 thieving little fucks!!! let me just say to all the plant steeling fuckers go die! well i ended up with 20 ounce DRY and was one of the best stones i have had in a long time so was plesently happy well i am starting 1st indoor doing 2 as keeping low on everything my 1st is cream carmel fem autoflower 2nd is big devil fem autoflower have 400w a light and using
rockwool just wondering if any one had any good feeds or tips for indoor just started germ 1 day ago :) well sorry if i have chatted shit or on the wrong post just new to all of it


Well-Known Member
probably better going into journals for general tips, u can search all the different grow styles and see what ones suit your own planned method.