Just threw my babies on 12/12 what ones do you think will be male?


I know there is no way of really telling what they will be until 12/12 but I have my predictions and wanted to hear what other people think and see if my predictions might be right. Hoping for at least 2 females. The hydro is a fem swiss cheese auto its stupid small I ended up stunning its growth it was my first hydro grow it was dumb to choose an auto for first hydro grow its already showing pistols at that height but its all about the trial and error. Anyways so yeah hoping for two females. One I feel it in my bones is a female. I'll be heart broken if she's not



Well-Known Member
You answered your question in the first line. There is no way to tell especially from those pics. ,The only way to tell on a veging plant is pre flowers.

But I shoot for 50/50 like I have a choice in the matter. Lol