Just watched lock up and choped !!!!!!


Active Member
After watching an episode of Lock-up(a documentary about prison life) and seeing how the United States toutures its prisoners by putting a full grown adults regardless of size(im 6ft 4in) a 6X10 concrete room, no windows, they feed you shit, you will probally share that 6X10 cell if your lucky(someone to talk to) the co treats you like a slave, prisoners jack off every time they see female staff, you only see your family thru a glass if your lucky(could see your family by video only). Im a vegan, a father, a husband, no record, a free spirt, a person who is peacefull. I would not be taken in custody, no way. People lose there mind in those prisons!!!!! I cant even do 6months, id be climbing the walls........... So i chopped!!! way early 6th week of flowering. took apart the gro room and slept very well.

Maybe paranoi BUT IM IN THE SOUTH. the BIBLE BELT!!!

what can i do with these early chop plants


Well-Known Member
I think you should have slept on that idea, but the damage has been done.. Id do my best trying to make some hash. Looks like your ganna be drying and smokin' some early.


Well-Known Member
how old are you.....? Be honest too.. no bullshit.

Ever heard of paranoia? You've got a bad bad bad.. case of it my friend.

If you knew what you were doing.. you wouldn't have freaked out just because you watched 'Lockup RAW' on MSNBC. I've seen it.. hell.. I've been to prison. No fun indeed.. but I did my time because I did the crime. But, I also learned something from what I did.. I opened up my mouth and that's why I got caught.

If you keep your mouth shut.. and don't tell ANYONE (family included.. boyfriend/girlfriend/sisters/brothers/best friends/) doesn't matter. Don't tell anyone.. but I guess since I come from an Italian family (Sicilian) I was born with the 'code of silence' in my blood.. well.. except for the one mishap. But that's a whole nother story.

But yeah, your one paranoid person you know that? LOL.. its actually funny that you chopped your plants just because of something you seen on TV.

Oh well.. some people just aren't made out to grow. I guess your one of them...

But again, you won't have to worry about getting popped as long as you keep your grow a secret (mouth shut and keep the grow area stealth) you would be just fine.. and have some pretty nugs of your own.. that you grew yourself! to smoke on.. when needed.

Good luck either way.. LMAO.

P.S. - How the hell would you know what Jesus looks like?!?! LOL... I mean your telling everyone that he doesn't look like what we think.. or how we think he looks.. then why don't you fill us in on how he looks??


Well-Known Member
lol I find this hilarious.

Prisons not as bad as they make it on tv lol.
It sucks but not close to as bad as the shit they put on there.


Active Member
I'm in California, so I don't have as much to worry about, but dude..... those prisoners that you're seeing on those shows have been put in those conditions because they've done something much worse than grow a few pot plants.

What you described sounds like solitary confinment, or death row prisioners.