Justice Phelan (yes from #Allard) certifies a class action proceeding

Anyone noticed that "MMAR" (Marihuana Medical Access Regulations) happens to sound a bit like mammar, as in tettering a mammar gland?...

Reminescent of an alcoholic always keeping a bootle in the hand, e.g. in a state of "junkie" dependancy, or "addiction"...

Now, please remind me about where's those acronyms comming from again??
Yes! Can’t wait to get my $20 check in the mail haha

maybe more.
i remember filling out a form claiming my entire crop.
they sent the letter and told us to destroy everything and put it in cat litter in the garbage for disposal.
i declared POUNDS from destructed harvest and storage.

- and �

Dear Class Member, 

You are receiving this email because you registered with Class Counsel as a potential Class Member to receive updates on important developments in the above-referenced class action. Only the person who registered with Class Counsel may open the attached Notice of Certification.

The Federal Court of Canada has authorized a class action against Her Majesty The Queen on behalf of all persons who were sent a letter from Health Canada in November 2013.

If you meet the definition of the Class, you are automatically included in the class action unless you Opt Out by July 21, 2022. If you want to Opt Out, please see the Notice of Certification under “What if I do not want to take part?”.

Class Members who want to Opt Out must submit their request by July 21, 2022. Class members who do not submit an Opt-Out request by July 21, 2022 will continue to be a part of the class action.

Only contact Trilogy Class Action Services if you wish to Opt Out.

All inquiries about this class action should be directed to Class Counsel (the lawyers representing Class Members) pursuant to the attached Notice of Certification.
I suspect with the amount of individual claims that can be made this will drag out indefinitely. Can you believe they are just asking for those now?
The REAL injustice is how long it takes to see justice!!!!
What a fucking joke this is. Is this one delayed so long cuz it's the gov involved?
Makes no sense to drag something out this long. It's absolutely mind stunning how little progress is made?