K train seed ruind help


Active Member
My stupid wife was making tinature and used one of my distiled water botles to fill it up with vodca so when I was soking my seeds in a towel for germinating i ued the bottle on accident used the same bottle now are they ruind ? I switched out the vodca with distiled water do you think IM ok or did the alcohall Ruin my seeds? help anyone I have a dumb wife


Active Member
Have you ever heard of such a thing. I'm probly going to buy 5 new k train seeds if they don't germ in two days


Well-Known Member
How long were they in the vodka for? People put a drop or 2 of peroxide into a cup of water and leave it in a dark warm place and usually within 24 hours the seeds will all crack open and be ready to put into your grow medium. They survive that just fine, so its possible they will survive this too.


Active Member
It was mabey 2 hours or so then we realized it and rinsed the seeds in regular water then now soaked paper towel with water for usualy 2days till they'll pop.