K...Ummm...Is This Normal For A Plant???


Active Member
Yo , so i just took a quite look at my plant (shes sapose to be sleeping) so i had to be quick , and i noticed a little bit of purple on the top of my plant , and its starting to smell like dope , im not worried about the smell , i dont really care if it smells , im just worried if its to young to be smelling like this lol , and im confused about why its kind of purple?? , it smells really good tho lol , but i always thought weed would only smell as its bigger , more like a few feet bigger right when it starts budding? , im probably wrong , but ive never had a plant start smelling this soon , so its reeeally new to me , and i dont want it to randomly start budding on me cuz its wayyy to small and id only get like 4 grams lol , any info would be really awsome!!



Well-Known Member
cool temps and sometimes genetic make plants look purple. to be honest that plant looks like its about to explode in growth i see no problems....