Not from someone to lazy to describe there system... thats kinda why this site exists- so that people can describe their system and results so that others can compare whats working for others and how...
I'd love to see it... But unlike the saying goes- in growing a picture is not worth a thousand words... There is a lot to it, how the system works often cannot be explained in the picture and is often the cause for the bountiful or sad subject of the picture.
So go ahead and post your 3000 watts of ebb and flow pleasure- but do so with an explanation about how you've done what you've done.
Things to include:
your past experience
your type of light and total watts
your nutrient regimen
your strain (you've done that much, thanks)
your method (soil, hydro, chem, organic)
and any lst, super crop, cropping, stress training etc...
your final yeilds
and a smoke report
If thats too much to ask, I suggest you stick to hightimes.