Kc brains brains excape


Hi all, this is my first post on this site, and first smoke report.
If i underachieve feel free to burn efergys of me.

I have noticed on line searches there are few reports on this strain,
after trying it a few times i realize that may be bad!

Basically, cut to the chase, it is fantastic smoke.

I smoke every day, 2 to 3 joints of , blue berry, church, NL5X haze, strains like that. i am a 85 kg healthy male who is active and reasonably healthy.

Smoke report:
I Vaped a piece of bubble hash that was smaller than a grain of rice(, long grain ) for 3 nights in a row., So i guess this isnt actuly a smoke report huh, ha ha tricked YOU!!

Blasting wonderful energetic, reflective and pain killing ( Instant pain killing),
Light, heady, BLASTING, High, VERY bright colors, happy warm, very powerful mood enhancement.
Oddly it is powerful enough to be the first herb i have had ever that CAUSES some nausea, but dampens existing nausea. To be honest that kinda weirds me out :confused:.
I feel like i have had too much, but am very functional. Motivated, even clean feeling.
Fairly high ceiling to the stone, so you can get pretty damn twisted if you want.:twisted:

Now this is where this weed is the best,!! in a kinda bizare out of space way,
Nice, fresh quick citrus, then spice , then BURN, nice heat, spicy, like a curry that is a bit too strong for what you are used to, then a long lasting , feel of pure citrus oil in the front of your mouth, with pepper at the back of your mouth and lungs.
And some heavy start to finish background rot and earth flavor.

The pepper feeling is powerfully surprising, and memorable.

To be honest i have changed from a skeptical smoker trying , to a person who love to know how this plant grows, just on the mouth feel and flavors.

If you got to this you must care about it,, It is damm nice, probably the best weed i had this year, so fresh in the mouth and body.
I have no idea if it is wonderfull or a dog to grow.