Keep It In Your Pants Herman!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
For fuck's sake! Two sexual harassment cases against him? What? Did he think the gag order on the victims would keep the story out of the media?


Well-Known Member
The funny thing was during an interview he said people are trying to smear him.. "it will only get worse form here, but don't believe them" & now this this pops out almost like he knew it was coming.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I like how he can acknowledge that he knew there were charges against him, but be completely unaware as to how they were resolved...

Complete and total fucking liar.


Well-Known Member
Almost as big a liar as Clinton, huh? He only raped a woman and that didn't stop him from being elected. Then he went on to sexually harrass and defile a young subordinate, while in the white house no less, while she was on the clock. But, he wasn't a Conservative black man, so it didn't matter, did it numbnuts?

Forget the fact that Cain was exhonorated of the charges and merrily went about his business. No accusers stepping forward, no sources named, an admission by the reporter that it wasn't even an overtly sexual gesture, charges found to be baseless by the board, so far nothing but a total smear job. There hasn't even really been a story, just a convenient leak by Politico. They are afraid of him, that's for sure. Holy shit, if Cain went up against Obama, how could they endlessly play the race card?


Well-Known Member
But, he wasn't a Conservative black man, so it didn't matter, did it numbnuts?
that is you playing the race card.

Holy shit, if Cain went up against Obama, how could they endlessly play the race card?
that is you accusing your opposition of playing the race card.

pot, meet kettle.

i m thinking of roundly deleting ALL of your posts like this, as i suspect you are some sort of a spambot or paid poster.

you never have anything to say besides what you are told to say.

i read around, these are ALL regurgitated talking points. you are no better than the person they put in the 'spin room' after a presidential debate.

face it, herman cain, former washington lobbyist and chairman of the fed of KC, is a lousy, shitty, horrible candidate.

just like perry and bachmann before him, his tsar rose. and now, it is time for its inevitable fall.

if herman cain did not have to worry about this sexual harassment thing, he would be having to worry about the more illicit issue of his campaign funding.

get ready for candidate romney.


Well-Known Member
These are just allegations UB, if you know for a fact that he did what is alleged, then you need to come forward and show that damning evidence. Gut feelings aren't enough BTW.


Well-Known Member
These are just allegations UB, if you know for a fact that he did what is alleged, then you need to come forward and show that damning evidence. Gut feelings aren't enough BTW.

that is the number of fucks i give about this allegation.

what i really object to is muyloco's hypocrisy with playing the race card, especially when he is among the first to accuse another of such.

secondly, i assert once more that he is about the worst candidate who is least likely to win, not that the right has much if anything.

and i assert that for reasons other than the settlement (i.e. hush money) he paid out.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Almost as big a liar as Clinton, huh? He only raped a woman and that didn't stop him from being elected. Then he went on to sexually harrass and defile a young subordinate, while in the white house no less, while she was on the clock. But, he wasn't a Conservative black man, so it didn't matter, did it numbnuts?

Forget the fact that Cain was exhonorated of the charges and merrily went about his business. No accusers stepping forward, no sources named, an admission by the reporter that it wasn't even an overtly sexual gesture, charges found to be baseless by the board, so far nothing but a total smear job. There hasn't even really been a story, just a convenient leak by Politico. They are afraid of him, that's for sure. Holy shit, if Cain went up against Obama, how could they endlessly play the race card?
wow just wow


Well-Known Member

that is the number of fucks i give about this allegation.

what i really object to is muyloco's hypocrisy with playing the race card, especially when he is among the first to accuse another of such.

secondly, i assert once more that he is about the worst candidate who is least likely to win, not that the right has much if anything.

and i assert that for reasons other than the settlement (i.e. hush money) he paid out.
Well, think about it. How often would racism come up if it were Cain vs Obama? I can just see Dukeanthony having a moment of spontaneous human combustion.


Well-Known Member
Well, think about it. How often would racism come up if it were Cain vs Obama? I can just see Dukeanthony having a moment of spontaneous human combustion.
dude, it already has.

did you not see my thread about ingraham and limbaugh hailing cain for being "blacker"?

i pointed out the hypocrisy then. it used to be that even a drop of blood made you "black". now being half black makes you more or less white, according to the spinsters that muyloco seems to parrot verbatim.

i have my doubts that he is not a paid poster spinster dude.


New Member
that is you playing the race card.

that is you accusing your opposition of playing the race card.

pot, meet kettle.

i m thinking of roundly deleting ALL of your posts like this, as i suspect you are some sort of a spambot or paid poster.

you never have anything to say besides what you are told to say.

i read around, these are ALL regurgitated talking points. you are no better than the person they put in the 'spin room' after a presidential debate.

face it, herman cain, former washington lobbyist and chairman of the fed of KC, is a lousy, shitty, horrible candidate.

just like perry and bachmann before him, his tsar rose. and now, it is time for its inevitable fall.

if herman cain did not have to worry about this sexual harassment thing, he would be having to worry about the more illicit issue of his campaign funding.

get ready for candidate romney.
he just says exactly what the republican talking heads, Glenn beck, in particular word for word. Sean hannity wouldn't stfu today with this rant about how "When a black conservative has sexual harassment charges he is lynched by liberal media for being a black conservative" yadayada...fucking yada...I thought I was listening to chris Matthews today on republican radio
Herman Cain.....Is who the establishment wants! Get that through your thick heads! Don't listen to the false preachers Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! ARGGHHHHHh sorry --- Look at his salary herman cain IS NOT in the 99% ...Litteraly...Hes not a regular old joe...he worked for the effing Federal Reserve and he was a radio talk show host just like these rush limbaugh....Fucking dont' eleush Limbaugh..same fucking ct Rthing...wowHEADASPLODE



Well-Known Member
dude, it already has.

did you not see my thread about ingraham and limbaugh hailing cain for being "blacker"?

i pointed out the hypocrisy then. it used to be that even a drop of blood made you "black". now being half black makes you more or less white, according to the spinsters that muyloco seems to parrot verbatim.

i have my doubts that he is not a paid poster spinster dude.
Blacker? I didn't know that was a qualifier for being a good leader of the US People. The only people who care are racists and journalists.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I love how liberals are all bilingual. When talking about a conservative, it's victim. When talking about a liberal, it's accuser. Only their side deserves justice by trial? Conservatives are guilty if a liberal only says so? I thought lynch mobs were a thing of the past. Apparently not for liberals. What can be expected from the party who murdered Bob Dwyer.


New Member
I just really don't like herman cain...the accusations are unsubstantiated and probably don't mean shit but whatever...Fuck Corporate Insider Scum Herman Cain hes an idiot and an enemy of the people.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I don't like Cain either. But that's what makes us libertarians better than the other two sides. You defend even your enemy if they're attacked unjustly. Otherwise, who defends our side when the same happens? I had a hunch Weiner lied and put up the pictures himself. But I gave him the benefit of doubt. I laughed when I was correct.