keeping a mother plant long term


Well-Known Member
Hi, I want to keep a couple of mother plants and start using clones to grow from I just wondered how I keep the mother long term. I understand she will be kept in a constant state of veg so do I need to constantly prune her to keep her small and stop her getting too big?

Would I keep my mother in the veg room the whole time under my blue enviro or would I have her off elsewhere under a bit less light?

Thanks for any help guys


Well-Known Member
Sorry to bump :? but

Would a mother be better off in a room on her own under a couple of fluros to keep growth slower? I kinda need to decide as I'll be building real soon.

And am I right in assuming I'll have to keep pruning mam to keep her to a realistic size?



Well-Known Member
yes, if you want them to stay small you can prune them and/or put them under lower light. i do both.


Well-Known Member
Thanks fdd

How much light should I be looking at to keep a couple of mothers going? and is pruning time intensive or just a once a week thing?


Well-Known Member
depends on how many clones you want. i take about 10 clones at a time. that's all i need from 1 plant.

here's my little set-up. i keep the mothers on the left under lower light and my vegging clones on the right.
View attachment 8412


Well-Known Member
hey fdd how many whats are the cfl's that you put the clones under and how long before you put them under the sodium.


Well-Known Member
yes, except the ones i have vegging outside. i think during the summer i will do a lot of vegging outdoors then move them in to flower.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member

You can keep moms or you can take a few cuts from each plant you have in veg about 10 days before you want your veggers to hit 12/12.

Moms take a bit of space to keep and eventually get too large or too "woody" to get good cuts from. For awhile will have tons of cuts from 2-3 moms. If you go this route you can simply designate some new clones when you need new moms and start the process all over once they are larrge enough to take cuts from.

I've gone both ways.I find taking the cuts from the vegging plants to be the easiest for me..and that way I can use ALL of my blue light (and floor space) for vegging additional plants to flower rather than for growing moms.

Which way you go depends on how many cuts you need every cycle and how many lights/how much space you have to play in.

good luck

bt dt