Keeping mother plants small...


Well-Known Member
How do you all keep your mothers from turning into monsters while they veg for 12+ months?

Trim the roots

Feed with very little nutes

Top them


Well-Known Member
Topping. Just cutting back growth. Keep them in small pots. There are a few ways. Others will chime in. Here is a BUMP!


Well-Known Member
Well the other day I trimmed the roots back (so as not to clog my pump) and I also hacked off the top 6" or so of both mother plants. surprisingly they are doing great! I guess I just need to keep on top of trimming the heck outta them just like you guys said. on that note i think as long as my new rooting hormone comes in today I'll take about 30 more clones as well. On a side note, has anyone seen the double tub setup that has a res /pump tub and a roots/sprayer tub which keeps the roots away from the pump? I think it was in the "harvest a pound every three weeks" thread. I just thought that was a cool design.


Well-Known Member
Trimming off growth tips also encourages the plant to produce more growth tips, which is ideal for mothers anyway.