keeping seedlings from falling over


Well-Known Member
i got seeds 10 inches from a 150hps in rockwool cubes, a lot are falling over and drying up. i got water sitting stagnant underneth the tray but the cubes dry out to fast.


If there drying up you should move them even farther. For seedling you only need a few cfl's at first anyways. To strengthen them tap them from side to side. It will strengthen the stems just like building muscle. Micro rips will be healed and thus make it stronger.


Active Member
For seedling you only need a few cfl's at first anyways. To strengthen them tap them from side to side. It will strengthen the stems just like building muscle. Micro rips will be healed and thus make it stronger.
I couldnt have put it any better myself. Try gettting some cfls til their big enough for the 150hps. You can tap them from side to side but what i find working really well is just lightly bending the stem of the seedling. if they are tipping over from stretching, find a chop stick as a stake. And for the cubes drying out to fast...What style grow are you doing?


Well-Known Member
hydro DWC set up is wut im running, and thats what im doing robert... research asswipe... i put a little fan up just now so hopfully it will keep them strong.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
187 ...oh my your a killer i'm afraid,please don' kill me mr. bud smoker..and look you have pit bull's look at me shake,what shall i do ?


Active Member
Try moving the light higher, about 18 inches should be good. Also get a cheap fan and put a nice not overpowering breeze on them (osolating if possible)

Robert if you can't post on the topic or at least give him a tip on how to do research leave him alone. You have posted twice the first post warranted the second post childish.