Keeping track of sales...


Does the State keep track of how much each individual is buying? I wouldn't doubt it as your are under State surveillance when you walk into any dispensary.


Active Member
technically they could, but im not sure on this one. You could probably ask a dispensary. My guess is that the dispensary itself keeps the information and if at one point the health department does ask for it they'd be obligated to do so

MG Canna

Active Member
They absolutely keep track of how much one person is buying because if they are buying from several stores a day to resell, the MMED will bust them. Or they might bust a store for selling too much weed to a person if that person say, is coming back every day for 2 more ozs...


I was looking online and found that in 2010 Colorado was trying to pass a law 'seed to sale' to keep track of every gram sold. Could not find out if that law is in place or not. Just want to know in what cases big brother is watching me or not....