Keeping your Mother, Norman Bates style!!


I have just planted my first seedling of Super Iced Grapefruit. As it is my first grow I decided to use soil so I could get use to the nutes. I plan to practice LSTing and topping and want to use my cutting as a mother to make more clones for practicing. My question is what is the best medium for keeping a mother? I will only take cuttings gradually so theres no real need for an autopot. I was thinking of maybe using Plagron light mix and perlite, but how often would i need to change the soil? Thanks


Active Member
I would like to know about this, is it okay to keep the mother in the same pot with the same soil and just make sure you leech it of salt build up or do i have to refresh the soil every 6 to 8 weeks, and wont constantly repotting stress the plant?


Well-Known Member
I believe that mothers are best grown in soil.

Now what are is your space availability? Large grow set-ups grow large mothers, keep re-potting larger, and cut good shoots off the branches. I've seen sativa mothers 7' tall.

If your head room or space is limited you need a different approach. I work in a veg box with a 28" above the pot as max height, and the longest I've been able to maintain a sativa mother is 16 wks. Indy's will be easier to keep short.

Answer to Spank.. yes you can keep a mother in the same pot and soil for an extended period. If you're going big transplant. If limited by space limit time in veg and mothering, or if you are obsessed, I've seen and read threads on bonsai mothers, where you grow in small soil square soil pots & trim the root edges as you transplant, and trim for clones.