Kellogg Gromulch 15 days old - N starvation?

Sprouted TH Seeds feminized Burmese Kush, now 15 days old. Decided to use Kellogg Gromulch instead of pre fortified Miracle Gro. The strategy was to get away from all these packaged nutes that lasted longer than the grow cycle to get the N to deplete for the flowering. Gromulch has next to nothing in it and I've been using Pure Blend Pro veg formula for the nutes. After two 7ml/gal doses in a row they still look like they are starved for N showing yellowing in the older leaves. I'm only seeing two sets of leaves so far. One plant looks like it's dying and barely has the first set out and the leaves are closing up around the stem pointing straight up. The mulch has plenty of perlite so the roots aren't choking. They are all in 6" pots right now. Any help on this will be appreciated.



Active Member
If you're feeding that often at 15 days old, chances are the problem isn't a lack of nitrogen. But too much.

Feed them just water until they're about 3-4 weeks.

A ph meter wouldn't hurt either.

Good luck. :hump:

[Edit: I would also recommend a flush to get all those nutes out of your medium. 3x the volume of your container IE. 1Gal container = 3Gal of water]