Key Points Of Harvest Time


Well-Known Member
A Beginner’s Guide to Harvesting

A common misconception of marijuana cultivation, especially among first-time growers, is that harvest time is like gym class in grade school—it’s still a class you have to go to but it requires less thought and more fun than an actual science class. Unfortunately, underestimating the final phases of a grow operation can be a very costly mistake when it comes down to grading the outcome of your buds.

Fatal errors in areas such as flushing, cutting and curing buds can lead to big disappointment after long months of hard work and care. To be sure this doesn’t happen to you, and to ensure the highest quality of your cannabis—no matter what strain it is—it’s important to take note of a few Key Points of Harvest Time.

Numero Uno​

The first, and perhaps most important, aspect of harvesting cannabis is knowing exactly when to start chopping down the ladies. A precision harvest is essential for potent cultivation. Growers must be very careful not to cut down plants that are not yet at the pinnacle of resin production, but they must also be wary of cutting plants too late—at a time when THC production has curtailed and resin glands begin to degrade.

There are various methods by which even the most amateur grower can tell when buds are truly ripe for the picking. The simplest and quickest way to know is by examining the pistils, or long hairs, that cover the plant’s buds. At the onset of flowering, these pistils are white and stringy. But as the flowering period comes to an end, they begin to turn color, first from white to orange and then again to a dark red or brown. These color changes signify the maturation of the buds; however, the color and time frame may vary significantly across different varieties of cannabis.

Therefore, a better, yet slightly more complicated, method for determining ripeness is through trichome examination. Trichomes are the actual resin glands that contain THC and other psychoactive cannabinoids, and they are very delicate and easily ruptured. These trichomes are visible on the outside of buds and small leaves and look like little white sugar crystals to the naked eye. However, with the power of a magnifying glass or simple microscope, you can see that trichomes are comprised of a stalk and resin head and are clear or white in color.

As with pistils, trichomes also begin to change color as the buds mature. But in this scenario, a grower wants to harvest buds before they get too dark in color. Even a subtle amber hue in these glands could mean that cannabinoids have begun breaking down and decomposing, which means less potent pot. Using a magnifier between 50x-100x, advanced growers look for a creamy or milky white color in trichomes that tells them it’s time to harvest.

The Catch​

As with most tricks of the trade, there is always a catch. And in this case it can be taken quite literally as well, because when checking your buds for ripeness you’ll want to “catch” any and all clues that can signal maturation—a few weeks before harvest time. Having a “harvest heads-up” can be extremely beneficial for growers, not only to prep equipment and rooms for drying and curing, but also to prep the plants for taste and smooth smoking.

If a grower can consistently examine trichomes and keep accurate time records from the start of the flowering photoperiod (12/12 light cycle), then it should be no problem for the grower to begin flushing out the grow medium in preparation for the harvest.

The Two-Step Flush​

The last two weeks of flowering should be spent getting rid of any built-up nutrients in the growing medium, a process called leaching, or flushing. By removing all access to nutrients, the plant begins to consume its stored food reserves. These reserves are nasty compounds that we don't want in our smoke, such as sugars, starches and various other elements. Harvesting plants that still have these undesirable elements present will only result in a harsh smoke and terrible burnability.

Flushing should begin about 14 days before harvest by stopping all nutrients and using only pure water to feed the plants. By providing no nutrients, you force the plant to rely only on what is left in the growing medium to feed on. The actual act of flushing is achieved by over-irrigating the medium until the nutrients inside are dissolved and washed out the bottom of the container. The best way to do this is with a two-step flush technique. (The process is an easy one.)

First, flood the grow medium with a heavy dose of water and wait a few minutes to allow all of the salts (nutrient buildup) to break down. Then add more water to chase out the first dose. By waiting a few minutes after adding the first dose of water, you're allowing enough time for the water to dissolve the salts. As salts decompose, they can be effectively flushed out by the second dose. Traditional leaching usually employs only the first flush of water, which isn’t always adequate for complete dissolution.

A few days after flushing, you should notice signs of nitrogen deficiency. The leaves will go from dark to light green, eventually turning completely yellow. Another sign is a reddening of the leaf stems, starting at the center of the leaf where the blades come together.

Test your flush by snapping off a leaf and tasting the juice that flows from the stem. If the taste is bitter, there's still plenty of food in the plant's system. When the juices are clean and taste like pure water, the plant is clean enough for harvest. The bitterness is from nutrients and other chemicals that you definitely do not want in your smoke.

Dry Air = More Resin​

One final flush should occur a day or two before harvesting, with the final 24 hours of the garden’s life being spent in relative dryness. This last deluge should be done with fresh water and can be a single or a two-step flush, depending on how much fertilizer was applied previous to the final two weeks of flowering. This will be the final watering your plants ever get. In doing this, you help ensure that the plants will begin to slowly dehydrate as you approach harvest, which in turn will aid the plants in their final hours of resin production.

Some gardeners even like to allow their medium to go bone-dry before harvesting. The idea is that resin production seems to skyrocket if the medium is allowed to dry before harvesting, but this isn't due to dry medium – it's due to dry air.

When the relative humidity in the garden is low, your resin production will increase. This is a natural response cannabis has to dry air, an attempt to protect itself from hot, dry conditions. Marijuana resin actually has one of the highest UV-resistance ratings in the plant kingdom. The resin reflects light, preventing the buds from getting sunburn. (This is also why it's so easy for helicopters to spot marijuana from the sky; it glows when seen through UV-sensitive equipment.)

Lowering the humidity in the room on that last night before harvest morning will ensure increased resin production, without having to let the medium go bone-dry first. Additionally, some growers like to subject their gardens to prolonged dark periods of up to 24 hours just before cutting, claiming they notice spikes in resin production. This is all right as the low humidity will cut down on light uptake anyway, plus it helps to make sure liquid foods within the plants drain down to the root zone.

Harvest & Manicure​

When the big day arrives it is best to start early, before the light period begins in the growroom. If the grow lamps turn on, it’s okay to cut them completely and work by standard room lighting. Begin by cutting the entire plant away from the root ball. If the plants are too large to harvest with one cut at the bottom, start by cutting the larger, heavier branches first. Remember to leave one or two larger stems connected to the branches you are cutting off. These stems will form nice “Vs” on the branches for easy hang drying.

Most indoor growers begin taking off the large fan leaves about a week before actual harvest. This is a good idea, especially once these leaves begin paling from green to yellow in color. Continue your harvest by taking off all leaves not associated with the buds and then move on to trimming off the smaller sugar leaves. Look for leaves with little resin coverage first and then move into the interior of the nuggets. It’s easier to remove leaves within the buds once they have dried out a bit, but that adds extra time and a second round of manicuring. By turning buds over and getting to the underside of smaller sugar leaves, it becomes easier to snip away at the stem and remove the entire leaf. Many growers like to only trim off leaf edges that come out of buds, leaving an aesthetic shape to the bud with the heavily resinated portion of the sugar leaves still intact within the buds.

Once the plants are cut, trimmed and manicured to perfection, it is best to hang branches upside down on strings strung across open spaces to get maximum air flow over your buds. Keeping buds on the branches does slow the drying, as the branches do retain some water however, this is the easiest way to completely surround buds with dry air without using drying chambers or machines.

Drying for Taste and Burnability​

Now that you've harvested and are ready to dry and cure, you will want to preserve as much of the vibrant color and taste of your herb as possible. Buds should hang dry for five to seven days at the ideal temperature of about 70ºF with 50 percent humidity. You want to get most of the water out of the buds in those first days and then slow the process down for another week or so during the curing process.

Remember that a plant is not dead upon cutting—it is still very much alive. A plant is effectively dead when the water pressure inside is too low to continue vascular movement. In other words, when the waterworks stop, the plant is dead. The goal here is to dry the plant as evenly as possible and at a nice slow pace. When buds are rapidly dried, the plant tissue can trap in unwanted starches and nitrates which cause buds to burn unevenly and with an awful taste.

At four to five days into the dry, the tips of some buds might be dry enough to pluck off and sample. After the buds have gone through their full cycle of drying, we want to slow the whole thing down and draw the rest of the moisture out very gradually. This is the curing process.

What’s the Cure?

If your herb is harvested correctly, there is very little need for long cures. Long cures are needed to make harsh herb smoke smoother. If you start out with smooth, clean herb, there's less need for long cures. Most buds should be cured and ready to smoke in less than two weeks after the drying period. Expert growers who harvest properly can complete curing in five or six days, but a good average can easily range from 10 to 14 days.

Inexperienced growers often tend to get impatient and only cure for a few days, but this can be a costly mistake when it comes to potency. Allowing the buds to cure evenly, which means drying at a slower rate, removes moisture within the buds so that all the THC can be converted in its psychoactive form.

The curing process evens out the moisture levels in the herb. You want the same amount of moisture in the center of the buds as you do on the outside of the buds until they are almost totally devoid of fluids. Completely drying the herb too fast can trap moisture in the middle and not allow for a proper cure.

For the curing process, you want to put the half-dried buds into air-tight containers. Inside the container, the buds will become evenly moist, inside and out, as they begin to “sweat." You can check to see if your buds are sweating and releasing moisture by gently squeezing them between your fingers to see if they feel damper than they did a few hours before sealing them up. Glass jars with rubber seals and lockdown lids are the best option for curing, but for large amounts of harvested buds, you’ll need something much bigger. Tight-sealing rubber or plastic bins are the best option for large quantities of buds but many growers feel these containers impart a plastic-type taste onto the buds. This can be offset by adding a small slice of lemon or orange peel to the bins toward the end of your cure.

Once the buds are again evenly moist, open the containers to let the moist air exchange with fresh air. Air exchanges are essential to the curing process. Not only do they prevent condensation from forming in your curing bins, but the fresh air is drier than the air you just allowed to escape from the container. The moisture still trapped in the herb will again slowly escape and moisten the new, fresh air. Open the container several times a day to exchange the moistened air with fresh air to slowly draw out the moisture in the buds. Eventually (again, one to two weeks) the moisture level in the herb will be at the right level to stash away and, of course, smoke!

What Time of Day to Harvest?​

Timing the harvest is Paramount to the final quality. Harvest your precious buds in the dark, just before the lights normally come on. If possible, do not allow the plants to see direct light as long as their roots are attached. Direct light on a plant will draw up stored starches and sugars from the root system.

During the nighttime hours, our ladies are busy storing food down in their root system that they made during the daylight hours. During “lights out," starches and sugars produced by photosynthesis during the day drain downward to the roots. Knowing this, it is easy to figure out that you want to cut your plants away from the roots before the lights come on, when food moves back upward into the buds.

Outdoor herb is often harvested during the daytime hours and the result is a harsh, difficult burn and an extra long cure. The starches and sugars present in daytime-harvested herb act like fire retardants—not the effect we're looking for. In addition to tasting and burning bad, these fire retardants also change the chemical make up of the smoke you're ingesting. This means that the THC, cannabinol, cannabidoil and other active cannabinoids can't burn at the perfect temperature to get you properly high because they haven't properly converted to their psychoactive forms.

Facts on Drying & Curing

• During the drying of marijuana buds, THC is converted from an acidic, non-psychoactive chemical into a neutrally based, psychoactive form that gets you high. This is why fresh marijuana is generally weaker than properly dried and cured buds.

• Marijuana will lose approximately 75 percent of its weight during drying due to water evaporating from plant matter.

•Buds dried too fast will be frail and may start to crumble. Keep humidity between 45 and 55 percent in your drying room to prevent this and to help keep aroma and flavor locked in.

•Buds are done drying and ready for curing when stems snap when bent rather than just folding over.

•Air exchanges during curing should occur every four or five hours with curing bins left open for 10 minutes at a time.
The Two-Step Flush​

The last two weeks of flowering should be spent getting rid of any built-up nutrients in the growing medium, a process called leaching, or flushing. By removing all access to nutrients, the plant begins to consume its stored food reserves. These reserves are nasty compounds that we don't want in our smoke, such as sugars, starches and various other elements. Harvesting plants that still have these undesirable elements present will only result in a harsh smoke and terrible burnability.

Flushing should begin about 14 days before harvest by stopping all nutrients and using only pure water to feed the plants. By providing no nutrients, you force the plant to rely only on what is left in the growing medium to feed on. The actual act of flushing is achieved by over-irrigating the medium until the nutrients inside are dissolved and washed out the bottom of the container. The best way to do this is with a two-step flush technique. (The process is an easy one.)

You reason that intentional starvation causes the plants to use up any reserves that they may have. My problem lies in where storage usually occurs in plants. Sugars/starches are generally stored in a roots (tubers eg. potatos), and fruits (any sweet fruit like a peach for example). Flowers (buds) are reproduction structures coated with defensive trichomes. It wouldn't really make evolutionary sense to store sugars in the same structure coated with trichomes.

That's why I'm no so keen on flushing. I could be wrong, but I don't know of any plants that store excess goodies in their flowers. I suppose until real studies are done on the physiology of cannabis, "no one" knows where excess nutrients/vitamins/carbohydrates are stored. Heck, do we even know if they are stored at all?

I'll buy flushing as a method for extirpating excess synthetic nutrients from a medium. That only makes sense if one plans on reusing the growing medium.
It does not say anywhere that it stores anything in any flower/buds.... Please can you show me where it says food is stored in flowers/buds..? The food is stored by the plant just like Camels store water in there humps and humans store foods/waters in there cells and fat cells etc...

All living things store food of some description for when food is drying out or used up outside the body. If it wasn't we would all die alot sooner from starvation than we do.

It's logical if you think about it.
Manicuring, Drying, And Curing Marijuana

Right after all the plants have been harvested, it is time to manicure them. Manicuring is simply cutting off the leaves that were growing from the buds. Cut off all the leaves surrounding the bud, so that just the bud remains.

Work over a glass table or some kind of smooth flat surface. This will make it easy to collect all the material that has been cut away from the buds. It is lower in THC than the buds, but rather than throw it away, you can use it to make hash oil.

When manicuring the buds, use a pair of scissors with small blades (to reach hard to get leaves) that is comfortable on your hands. If you have a small crop, you can handle the plants with you bare hands. With a large crop, wear powder free latex gloves.

The latex gloves will collect trichome resin in a similar manner to the way live marijuana plants are rubbed to make hashish. The latex gloves have to be powder free or the powder will get mixed into the resin.

Do not touch anything other than the plants once you have put the gloves on. If you have to do something, remove the gloves you are wearing and put them in a plastic bag, prior to doing whatever it is that has to be done.

When finished, put on a pair of new gloves. Material on the first pair can be collected later. When you are finished manicuring all the plants, remove the gloves and place them in a plastic bag (to catch resin that drops off).

Put the plastic bag with the gloves in a freezer for 2-3 hours. The trichome resin can easily be peeled from the frozen latex gloves and consumed the same way you would use hashish.

If absolutely necessary, you can wait to manicure the buds. However, the job will take more time if you wait. Manicuring right after the plants are harvested will also speed the drying process.

Instead smoking marijuana directly after it is harvested and manicured, it is best to dry and cure it. Some new growers might be in such a rush to try the marijuana that they don't want to dry the crop, or they might be tempted to put buds in a microwave oven to dry them out.

Drying Marijuana After Harvest

You probably don't want to smoke marijuana that is harsh and bad tasting. If you do not take time to dry the bud, you will not get the best possible smell and taste your crop is capable of producing.

Proper drying and curing will also ensure maximum potency of the marijuana you have grown. Marijuana is not potent just after harvest. Some of the THC is in a non-psychoactive acidic form. Drying marijuana the right way will convert the non-psychoactive acidic compounds into psychoactive THC.

The area where the drying is done should be dark. Light and high temperatures (higher than about 80 degrees) will cause THC to break down into less desirable chemicals, this will lower the potency of the finished product.

A good way to dry the crop is to hang the buds upside-down by the stem, from some string or wire. The drying marijuana must have some circulation blowing over it at all times. A gentle breeze that circulates over all the plants is necessary.

A fan or two will circulate air within the drying room. Fans will aid in drying the plants evenly, and reducing the chances of mold. If mold starts and is allowed to grow, it might ruin all of your crop. Mold looks like white fuzz and has an odor that is unpleasant.
You will have to keep the temperature and humidity within a certain range for optimal results.

Conditions should remain constantly somewhere within the following ranges, temperature should be between 65-75 degrees F, relative humidity should be between 45%-55%.

At temperatures lower than 65 degrees, drying time will be lengthened. At temperatures higher than 75 degrees, the heat will cause the outer portion of the bud to dry quicker than the inner part, and the taste will suffer.

At humidity levels lower than 45%, the marijuana will dry too fast and the taste will suffer. At humidity levels higher than 55%, the marijuana will take a long time to dry, and it will be prone to mold.

Keep a hygrometer and a thermometer in the drying area, close to the plants. A hygrometer will allow you to keep an eye on the relative humidity level in the room and a thermometer will display the temperature. Some hygrometers have built in thermometers so you can measure the temperature and humidity together.

Depending on the time of year and your location, a heater or an air conditioner may be necessary to adjust the temperature. To control humidity, a dehumidifier can lower humidity and a humidifier can be used to raise humidity. There are warm mist humidifiers and cool mist humidifiers.

A warm mist humidifier will raise the temperature while a cool mist humidifier will not affect the temperature. There are also humidifiers that allow you to switch between warm or cool mist. If you are going to purchase a humidifier for this purpose, take your climate into consideration and buy an appropriate humidifier.

Warm mist models will actually heat the water and release warm humidity. Cool mist water isn't cooled, it just means that water is not heated. In most cases a cool mist will work best. To be safe you can get a humidifier that lets you switch between warm and cool mist.

Curing Marijuana

It will take at least a week or two to dry the crop with temperatures between 65-75 degrees F and relative humidity between 45%-55%. You will know when the marijuana is dry if the stems snap or break (rather than fold) when they are bent.

Try smoking a small bud (1/2 gram or less) in a joint to be sure it is dry enough.

At this time, small buds will be dry enough to smoke. But larger buds should be cured (slow dried) to ensure that the marijuana is as potent and tasty as possible. If necessary, you can set aside buds that are less than 1/2 gram for smoking, while larger buds cure.

The cure lasts a week or two. The aim of what you are doing is evenly finishing the slow dry process, so that mold will not grow when the buds are stored long term. Also, by the end of the cure, any remaining inactive THC will be converted to active THC (that increases potency).

To cure the crop, you will need one or more containers made out of glass or plastic. Some people say plastic can impart a taste to the marijuana. Personally, plastic containers that some types of roll your own tobacco are sold in, have no negative effect on the taste.

Containers that have a rubber seal work best, but any type of container with a tight fitting lid will do. One quart canning jars do a very good job if you are curing a few pounds or less. They have a rubber seal and hold 2 or more ounces of marijuana per one quart jar.

When curing quantities in excess of a few pounds, large (over 40 quarts) plastic storage boxes are recommended. They are not air tight, but will do the job when smaller air tight containers are not practical.

Gently place your marijuana in the containers (cut buds to size if the are too big to fit in the container) and put the top on.

Store the containers in a dark area where the temperature is between 50-65 degrees and the humidity is between 40%-60%.

You will have to open the containers for a few minutes to allow moisture to escape by fanning with your hand. If any moisture builds up on the inside of the cap on your container, wipe it off. Do this preferably 2-6 times daily, at regular 4-12 hour intervals.

You should also re-arrange the buds by giving them a quarter-turn once a day. This will ensure that different parts of the buds are exposed to the air in the container. Keep up this routine for 7-10 days. When properly dried, marijuana will burn evenly when smoked in a joint (if stems are removed).

The taste will be as good as it can be, and the THC will have reached a point where it is ready to be ingested or stored. You can keep any marijuana that will be consumed within a few months (1 year maximum) in the same containers used for curing, without having to keep opening them to release moisture.

If the marijuana is to be stored for more than a few months, you can use a vacuum sealer (designed for storing food) to seal the marijuana in an airtight environment. If stored in a dark area that is between 40-55 degrees F, the marijuana in vacuum sealed plastic will remain potent for up to 5 years.

Dry marijuana can be stored in a frost-free freezer, but some of the THC on the outer part of the buds may be damaged when frozen. A refrigerator is in the right temperature range but they tend to be humid (unless you can control the humidity).

If stored in an area of high humidity for months or years, even vacuum sealed marijuana can eventually become as humid as the surrounding air. This will necessitate drying it again before smoking. But, unless mold develops, humidity itself will not degrade the THC or make the marijuana any less potent.

Light will degrade some of the THC, so dark containers can be used for storage. If you place the marijuana in a see through container, it will have to be located in a dark area that is not exposed to light or high temperatures.

Always make sure to properly dry your marijuana prior to storage, if you grow your own or if the stuff you have is very moist. And remember that to preserve marijuana potency at a maximum level, keep any exposure to air, heat, and light at a minimum.
You reason that intentional starvation causes the plants to use up any reserves that they may have. My problem lies in where storage usually occurs in plants. Sugars/starches are generally stored in a roots (tubers eg. potatos), and fruits (any sweet fruit like a peach for example). Flowers (buds) are reproduction structures coated with defensive trichomes. It wouldn't really make evolutionary sense to store sugars in the same structure coated with trichomes.

That's why I'm no so keen on flushing. I could be wrong, but I don't know of any plants that store excess goodies in their flowers. I suppose until real studies are done on the physiology of cannabis, "no one" knows where excess nutrients/vitamins/carbohydrates are stored. Heck, do we even know if they are stored at all?

I'll buy flushing as a method for extirpating excess synthetic nutrients from a medium. That only makes sense if one plans on reusing the growing medium.

People who grow their own herb should really consider taking a few botany courses. You, and others like you, need to learn about how plants actually do things if you like to give advice and want to be correct. Chloroplasts and other plastids might not be a bad place to start some light reading about plants.

Most importantly, chloroplasts are responsible for the photosynthetic conversion of CO2 to carbohydrates. In addition, chloroplasts synthesize amino acids, fatty acids, and the lipid components of their own membranes. The reduction of nitrite (NO2-) to ammonia (NH3), an essential step in the incorporation of nitrogen into forms of organic compounds plants can then use, also occurs in chloroplasts. Moreover, chloroplasts are only one of several types of related organelles (plastids) that play a variety of roles in plant cells.

Chloroplasts are made up of a smooth outer membrane which is freely permeable to molecules. A smooth inner membrane which contains many transporters: integral membrane proteins that regulate the passage in and out of the chloroplast of small molecules like sugars and proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm of the cell but used within the chloroplast. When synthesized the sugars and proteins are coded and that tells the plant were it was made and where it will be stored and then used and it is not fed down the plant into roots for storage.

Plant leaves are a combination of factories and warehouses and actual plant organs. They absorb light rays and use it to create energy and transform elements into different elements and those elements are stored in plant leaves, they are Mother Nature’s way of creating food/nutrients to be used in conjunction with what nutrients are drawn from the soil that are then converted, using what plants already created, turning them into forms of nutrients the plants can then use. It is the sugars the plants create that flowering and seed production, if making seeds or grown wild, rely on.

If you do not think that is true just try a little experiment and see how localized leaf nutrient creation and storage for use actually is. Pick a bud as it develops and as the tiny bud leaves grow out through the growing bud nip them off like you are trimming that bud. Just nip the tiny ends as they protrude, that is all. Most if not all times the bud development will almost totally halt due to the localized leaf losses. Normally the bud will fatten slightly, and for some odd reason it will likely become super frosty, only a guess on my part but I tend to believe the plant continues to attempt to create more trichomes and resin for a bigger bud that end up not growing and all the additional trichome/resin production goes to the existing portion of bud … that is why it only fattens some and becomes ultra-ice covered. But continued growth, as in upwards and onwards with more buds being created above where you nipped the tiny bud leaves seldom happens. Again the ultra-icy result is only a guess on my part … but I have seen it enough times to know it will happen many more times than not.

People try to write that off as being ‘plant shock’ but losing that tiny amount of a small number of leaf tips on one single small bud is not enough to actually shock plants. What stops the bud’s development is the loss of localized leaf function.

Unless all stored nutrients within a plant are used by a plant by harvest some will remain and it can and will effect the taste of the herb. That is why you flush, to rid the soil of nutrients forcing the plants to use up all nutrients stored within plant matter by harvest time.
Thank you Brick Top for your contribution, a much needed explanation and something I could not have done myself :) Rep ++ added ;)
People who grow their own herb should really consider taking a few botany courses. You, and others like you, need to learn about how plants actually do things if you like to give advice and want to be correct. Chloroplasts and other plastids might not be a bad place to start some light reading about plants.

Most importantly, chloroplasts are responsible for the photosynthetic conversion of CO2 to carbohydrates. In addition, chloroplasts synthesize amino acids, fatty acids, and the lipid components of their own membranes. The reduction of nitrite (NO2-) to ammonia (NH3), an essential step in the incorporation of nitrogen into forms of organic compounds plants can then use, also occurs in chloroplasts. Moreover, chloroplasts are only one of several types of related organelles (plastids) that play a variety of roles in plant cells.

Chloroplasts are made up of a smooth outer membrane which is freely permeable to molecules. A smooth inner membrane which contains many transporters: integral membrane proteins that regulate the passage in and out of the chloroplast of small molecules like sugars and proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm of the cell but used within the chloroplast. When synthesized the sugars and proteins are coded and that tells the plant were it was made and where it will be stored and then used and it is not fed down the plant into roots for storage.

Plant leaves are a combination of factories and warehouses and actual plant organs. They absorb light rays and use it to create energy and transform elements into different elements and those elements are stored in plant leaves, they are Mother Nature’s way of creating food/nutrients to be used in conjunction with what nutrients are drawn from the soil that are then converted, using what plants already created, turning them into forms of nutrients the plants can then use. It is the sugars the plants create that flowering and seed production, if making seeds or grown wild, rely on.

If you do not think that is true just try a little experiment and see how localized leaf nutrient creation and storage for use actually is. Pick a bud as it develops and as the tiny bud leaves grow out through the growing bud nip them off like you are trimming that bud. Just nip the tiny ends as they protrude, that is all. Most if not all times the bud development will almost totally halt due to the localized leaf losses. Normally the bud will fatten slightly, and for some odd reason it will likely become super frosty, only a guess on my part but I tend to believe the plant continues to attempt to create more trichomes and resin for a bigger bud that end up not growing and all the additional trichome/resin production goes to the existing portion of bud … that is why it only fattens some and becomes ultra-ice covered. But continued growth, as in upwards and onwards with more buds being created above where you nipped the tiny bud leaves seldom happens. Again the ultra-icy result is only a guess on my part … but I have seen it enough times to know it will happen many more times than not.

People try to write that off as being ‘plant shock’ but losing that tiny amount of a small number of leaf tips on one single small bud is not enough to actually shock plants. What stops the bud’s development is the loss of localized leaf function.

Unless all stored nutrients within a plant are used by a plant by harvest some will remain and it can and will effect the taste of the herb. That is why you flush, to rid the soil of nutrients forcing the plants to use up all nutrients stored within plant matter by harvest time.

First, I've taken a few courses in botany and plant phys. I thought that would be apparent by the questions I was asking. Regardless, thanks for an actual answer/retort.

I did forget leaves as a major storage point of carbohydrates. My plant phys prof wouldn't be happy with me for that.

Assuming fan leaves and leaves from the bud both act as storage areas, and the plant will degrade fan leaves preferentially to bud leaves then would a flush only be long enough to pull the nutes from the fan leaves? Or maybe everything just gets used at once, locally and in addition to the fan leaves.
First, I've taken a few courses in botany and plant phys. I thought that would be apparent by the questions I was asking. Regardless, thanks for an actual answer/retort.

I did forget leaves as a major storage point of carbohydrates. My plant phys prof wouldn't be happy with me for that.

Assuming fan leaves and leaves from the bud both act as storage areas, and the plant will degrade fan leaves preferentially to bud leaves then would a flush only be long enough to pull the nutes from the fan leaves? Or maybe everything just gets used at once, locally and in addition to the fan leaves.

We grow a plant with a limited life span and they are genetically coded to do certain functions at different times at different stages of growth. Late in flower plants will naturally attempt to use up stored nutes, they are coded to do so. They will draw from the large fan leaves and if there are branches in areas of low light that are not flourishing they will draw from them too. They will drain different areas in a certain sequence, with slight variations depending on various factors.

People need to keep in mind that even though we grow seedless herb our plants are still performing every function they can to do just that, to create seeds, and part of that is the late season ‘insurance’ due to evolution of plants reaching a point where they can then feed on themselves and finish their job of creating viable seeds regardless of anything but the very most extreme of conditions. The plant has no interest in being the most potent it can be or the tastiest it can be. It only wants to make seeds, period thee end.

When it comes to the plants themselves flushing only makes it easier for plants to use up most to all stored nutes. As large fan leaves yellow and brown and fall off far less moisture is transpired through the plant so less moisture and fewer nutrients are taken in … and the plants basically begin to cannibalize themselves, they consume themselves, they rely more heavily on what they already have in them than what they still draw into them. With well-flushed soil what little moisture is taken in, little to no nutrients are taken into the plants to then be transformed into more ‘food’ for the plant to consume. That means tastier herb for us.
Brick Top, thanks for the info. I'm re-flushing tonight... couldn't have come at a better time.

I thank you again Brick Top, for your botany wisdom and neverending wealth of useful cultivation information. To the OP I thank you to all ends for this detailed piece of crucial knowledge as I understood every word to a T... Gentleman well done. Thank you again. I will not forget any of this...for life.

~ BCbuddy420 :leaf:
Brick Top did Not write the original post mate, however he did add valueble information.
Brick top and Wramms how r u guys? had a few questions well right now im in my last stages of flowering. 1st question can u just harvest the top half of my plant? the bottom seems as if it needs a little more time so can i harvest from top to middle? also how do u make a suitible drying box? by the way u have both came with some good insight
Thanks buddy.
Answer 1. You can remove the top of your plant if you want, shocking your plant can produce bigger buds and stronger THC levels. However it can also have the reverse efects.
Answer 2. A grow tent with clip on fans is what I use but do not point the fans at your buds because of premature drying times will mess up all your hard work.

Goodluck and hope this helps ;)