Kidney Stones?


Active Member
Getting ready to head to the doctor because my discomfort has reached that point. I am a recovered alcoholic, and the last time I had some Vicodin it woke up the beast so to speak, so I won't be asking for that scrip. I am going to mention that weed helps in this conversation, what do you think I can expect?
Probably not gonna help ya, but if you see a doctor that advertises and promotes medical use I am pretty sure your condition would get approval.
aren't kidney stones kind of a temporary situation? They don't prescribe joints from the pharmacist... But like kindone said, if you go to the right dr., he'd make the recommendation...
End result of my visit was that he informed me his office will not write recommendations. But he did refer me to the Compassionate Apothecary in Mt Pleasant. He also wrote me a scrip for Flexaril...that helps but my addiction monkey is screaming MOAR!! lol Makes me want to kick myself for ever drinking in the first place. ugh +rep for the answers guys.
aren't kidney stones kind of a temporary situation? They don't prescribe joints from the pharmacist... But like kindone said, if you go to the right dr., he'd make the recommendation...
They are temporary, but if you don't eliminate whatever is creating them from your diet they'll keep happening, and get worse. I either have a high pain tolerance or the people I know that have had them are big wimps. I'd call it a dull ache in your lower back spreading to your groin, guys I have known with them can't even walk.
They are temporary, but if you don't eliminate whatever is creating them from your diet they'll keep happening, and get worse. I either have a high pain tolerance or the people I know that have had them are big wimps. I'd call it a dull ache in your lower back spreading to your groin, guys I have known with them can't even walk.

It really depends on the size and shape of the kidney stone whether it becomes painful or not. Ppl can be genetically predisposed to have them. usually they are smaller and passed unknowingly. if you have an episode flush your body with plentiful water (or beer). staying adequately hydrated is a way to mitigate kidney stones.

the worst stone i've had started as severe lower back pain then shock symptoms manifested as shuttering legs. morphine and an ER visit followed until it passed.
When I was a ct at a summer camp,I remember the head counslor passed out in the bathroom and was rushed to the hospital because of kidney stones.
Most of the pain associated with stones is the smooth muscle around the kidney and abdomen goes into tetany - charlie horse. The muscle cramping is what causes most of the pain. Smooth muscle relaxes when warm. I get stones and always travel with a heating pad. I have passed stones at home with the heating pad, some weed, and once I took 1/2 a pill of some sort. I'm not suggesting everyone do this, but if you feel one coming on, heat up your kidney area somehow for some relief.
My mom had to get laserd for her kidney stones. I hear ya about vicodin you are not the only one that is not meant to take them. I can take nothing more then aspirin and will not take more then 3 at a time of those.

Pot will just help temporarily if it helps at all. I know when shit hurts to the point of anxiety marijuana just makes it worse for me. Although marijuana does help me with cronic low back pain marijuana also has its limits. You must also remember you do not need to get the states approval for a God given right. If they do not let you have a Med Card go buy a bag for a temporary fix. I smoked and grew the shit for maybe 13 years without a med card.

Its your life. I am sure many will point that out to be illegal but fuck em. The math is not there to justify fear if you have a friend that has a friend.

What is your question lol that is not clear to me
I passed my stone in about 4 hours from the first sign of symptoms. It was brutal. Like breaking a bone over and over again for hours. Since passing the stone I drink almost nothing but water and feel great.