kids on leashes: yay or nay?

are you cool with kids on leashes?

  • i don't have kids and i like the idea

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • i don't have kids and i don't like the idea

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • i have kids and i like the idea

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • i have kids and i don't like the idea

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • i'm not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've been seeing more kids on leashes lately. i'm all for it for the little ones that can't behave. keep those little shits away from me. i don't have kids though. what do you guys think?


My personal belief is parents need to start smacking their kids. You never heard of ADHD until parents got soft (no pun intended lol) on their kids. Parents need to spank their kids instead of sitting them in time out and asking them how it feels.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
that's a funny fucking dude. one of the few dudes who says fuck more than me lol. kids on leashes bring me joy as well. i mean sure it's funny, but if you're not gonna watch the kid, at least keep him in a 6 foot radius.


Active Member
I have a daughter and a leash a she gets it at the beach mall fair any public place kids get stolen all the time kids arnt smart kids dont lesson people dont walk loooking for short people there is a million good reason for a leash on a child number one is your safety last thing you want is to knock my 2 year old down on accident and half to deal with me and her mother and i see people all the time like look at those lazy fucks wont een chase their kid and its not about that it only take a millasecond for somthing bad to happen and my daughter is a good kid but like i said above kids arnt adulds byfar and if you dont have 1 you dont have a fuckin clue andif you do and you dint use a leash good for fuckin u i use it and believe it helps us all be safer because it a nasty mean world out there and the leash keeps her within ten feet of me.


Well-Known Member
we should get rfid chips implanted in our children because we can then track them on gps just incase we lose them. we should have medical records on those chips also so that if anyone finds a lost child, their health conditions can be known so they don't suffer, in case they have some sort of disorder.


New Member
I've thought about getting my kids cell-phones for the gps I admit, but apparently I can't set the thing so they can only call and receive calls from us. I guess that would make too much sense. They actually marketed kiddy cell phones here for that reason.
Most the people having kids can't afford them. What's the point in a telling someone they need to buy a leash when they can't afford their kid in the first place. God damn society, stop banging each other with no condoms.

On another note, the concept a child leash should never enter your mind if you're an adult capable of successfully raising a child. Sadly society is leaning in the opposite direction, they can't seem to raise a proper child worth a damn now days.

All this modern-era electronic shit is raising a bunch of bitches. They got all these anti-bully campaigns going on around America now because of the recently media-inflated suicides. Get the fuck off your cell phones so billy can't text bully you bitch.


New Member
Do you have kids? Doesn't sound like it. As a parent I can totally understand the urge to have one, same as putting your kid in a dorky bike helmet. I just don't think that they make such a difference where we know the bike helmet does.

Having kids is scary. How many new parents have woke up in a fright to check if their kids are breathing? Sounds stupid but I did it many nights. My sleep patterns are finally back to normal.

People just need to get past their fears though. I'm sure there is a hat that will channel lighting and protect you in case you get struck, but it would have to look real silly.


Well-Known Member
I have a daughter and a leash a she gets it at the beach mall fair any public place kids get stolen all the time kids arnt smart kids dont lesson people dont walk loooking for short people there is a million good reason for a leash on a child number one is your safety last thing you want is to knock my 2 year old down on accident and half to deal with me and her mother and i see people all the time like look at those lazy fucks wont een chase their kid and its not about that it only take a millasecond for somthing bad to happen and my daughter is a good kid but like i said above kids arnt adulds byfar and if you dont have 1 you dont have a fuckin clue andif you do and you dint use a leash good for fuckin u i use it and believe it helps us all be safer because it a nasty mean world out there and the leash keeps her within ten feet of me.
Sorry for the hate everybody, But this^ guys is a fucking moron. the fact that you have a daughter but can't even properly type a sentence scares me. So basically you're saying that your such a bad parent that you can't even keep an eye on your kid when you go out places? You're so unnattentive that you can't even make sure your kid is next to you at all times unless she is on a leash? You know how many times ive been walking and watched a kid get grabbed while she was a foot within her parents? ZERO.

You know how many shitty parents ive seen not even paying attention to their kid because they have the kid tied to a leash and now there getting the cord wrapped around peoples legs and tables like a damn dog? ALOT

Justify tying your kid up like a dog how ever you want too, cause we all know your gonna, But keep youre little mutt away from my legs so i dont trip over it.

Oh and learn what a PERIOD is. There not just for women now-a-days.

gah im done.