Killer cookies!


Active Member
I made my first batch of weed cookies the other day and let me tell you this shit fucked me up aswell as my girlfriend and one of my homies. I couldnt even function properly the next day, very very trippy body and mind stone. Here are the steps on making some seriously potent cookies.

Alright i had a large bag of shake mabe a good 35 grams.
Got my coffee blender and blended it till its was almost powder.
Next i got a large pot poured in water till it was at a 2-3 cm depth then poured in the grinded shake.
I let it heat up(i used a gas stove) then i put in a stick of butter.
Stirred it until the butter melted then strirred until i had the heat at a simmer.
I let it simmer on the stove for about 4 hours.
Mine became really dark at the end of the 4 hours, but its not burnt.
Then got cheese cloth(u can use a metal coffe strainer) and poured the liquid through it into a bowl.
I was left with a strained layer of dark liquid at the top with a lighter yellowy liquid at the bottom of the bowl.
I let it sit in the fridge over night (i made this stuff pretty late)
The next day i took the bowl out the fridge seprated the liquid from butter.
Got my cookie recipe and made 12 cookies with it.

That is my process of how i got the most potent cookies ive ever eaten.
Let me know if anyone has done this similiar or trys it out.bongsmilie