Killing you softly with this thread....


New Member
CC, once and for all, what are you, Male or female, or a derivitive of one or the other? You have a female name but act like a macho male, Are you a bull dyke, I don't want to fight just now, I just like to know my opponents before the fracus. I actually find myself agreeing with you sometimes, I may need professional help.


New Member
No boundaries here, cocksucker.....they're both idiots. (me'dic'in'e'man and cocktip) And if that was a punch, you better hit the bag a little more. (no cocksucker, not suck scrotum, hit a punching bag......duh) "Just don't get it in my hair" Nope, only IN YO FACE, sucker.......:twisted:


Well-Known Member
either way i say idiot.
Roger that :D

I also believe ccodiane has major anger issues. But, fighting with her is futile because you can never be right when your against a bitch.

Ccodiane is a person that believes in stuff like this. BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

When trying to have a debate with ccodiane, your wrong even when your right. Some people are just like that, CC is one of them.

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
Now come on sweetee (CockCuntdiane) Bee Sweet. I know you want to. I finally figured out the CC, C for cock, and C for Cunt, your a hermaphrodite, ~LOL~, Gives new meaning to "go fuck yourself", HaHaHeHeHoHo~LOL~.


New Member
Since I've got a bunch of little bitches by the hair, I guess it would be fair to call me a woman.......
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New Member
But it would also fair to say, since I'm kicking the shit out of a gang of insecure boys, that I'm a Man......