Kind Base,Grow,Bloom Results?.

So last week both Hydro Stores and THC were sold out of this product made by Botanicare it's 3 Diffrent bottles added to the plants in Diffrent combos at Diffrent stages.

So has anyone used this product with great results yet got pics?
It is the Kind Grow Base Bloom the bottles are white. While I was at the hydro store 2 other people showed up and bought all 3. I have just started it .:joint:
Hello Dank, I have used Botanicare Kind since last summer. A grow shop that I go to knows I like to experiment with plants and asked me to try it. a few years prior I did a experiment with a brand called House and Garden, great results but to many components and really expensive the other down side is I like my organic growing so I went to Organicare another line made by Botanicare, but as the name states it was organic line. Kind is a 50/50 synthetic and organic mixture. they took the pro blend line and mixed all the components to make the product easier to mix and cheaper. you can get all 3 components of the Kind for about $120 whereas it use to run closer to $300 to by most of the pro blend line same goes for the Okay know that I threw all that unnecessary stuff you probably didn't want to hear about. I put Botanicare Kind up against the House and Garden brand in composted soil and the results were the same. Meaning that put up against one of the top Brands, Kind performed just as well with fewer components involved. Both plants grew to the same height, yields were off by literally a few grams. Plants stayed healthy all the way through to harvest. Hope that was helpful, have fun :weed:

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The REAL key to KIND is that they added the Ca/Ma to the mix for you for the hydro application in RO. You don't have to add a Ca/Ma supplement.
As with the H&G,,,,this IS a salty nutrient to use in soil based grows! Flushing at crossover maybe a good idea!