Kind of a theory on past lives?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I don't know why but it's been on my head lately.

Like get this..

Read After the double line if you DO know what the 'Big Bang' and 'Big Crunch' is...

So all matter that will ever exist is in one ball, one very very tiny ball. This is theoretically our entire universe before the Big Bang.

The big crunch is the idea that space sperical, much like our earth. The Earth is VERY large to us, so when we stand on the ground, and look at the horizon, we cant see the curvature of earth. It looks flat. - - - Now when we stand on the earth, and look out into space (even with most instruments) it looks flat also.

So when the Big Bang happened, one tiny mass exploded in every direction, but because of the spherical idea, all that mass that is traveling away from each other, is technically now on a collision course that will take billions of years.


So now my idea, if we use the big crunch and big bang theory, we can assume the universe basically destroys itself. Then is reborn over and over for an eternity right?

Well, when the universe is born, does it explode the same way each time?

Do the same gasses mix together, creating the same planets each time?

If the same planets are made with the same amount of everything, wouldn't life be created, and eventually evolve into humans again?

[last question]If everything happens the same way, and humans are created, then why wouldn't the same people be born with the same personalities?

What do you guys think about past lives?
The universe when born, does not explode the same way every time. This is why there are other many different universes around space.

Their are many different gasses in space some we don't even know about yet, so no the same gasses are not created.

Hope this answers some of your questions.
i get what your saying. but i dont belive that the mass is ever going to hit other mass and restart. i dont really know much about space, but if it goes on forever wouldnt all the mass just keep spreading further and further apart? so i guess im saying i belive the big bang theory but not the crunch one.
The energy created in the Big Bang is the same energy around today no more no less it just changes its form ,so the matter is space at the big bang is the same matter around today no extra matter is created it just spread out more with dark matter filling in the empty space,And it will be a loooooonnng time before any if any big crunch so we not need worry and I doubt every time the universe is created (?) that everything evolves the same way it did the last time ,but if it happened enough time some similarities may occur but I doubt it
And galaxies are still moving away from each other and will for billions of years ,the big crunch is a theory that won't be proven in our lifetime nut we know that galaxies are moving away from us gaining speed not slowing down

thats all I have for now
The big bang is a big load of BS and Ive never heard of the big crunch theory.I have a hard time thinking a big ass explosion created all this.That just sounds STUPID but i don't believe that that its intelligent design either.Its just here and we'll never why so i don't waste any thing worrying about how this shit got here.Its now and its will be here when we die
The energy created in the Big Bang is the same energy around today no more no less it just changes its form ,so the matter is space at the big bang is the same matter around today no extra matter is created it just spread out more with dark matter filling in the empty space,And it will be a loooooonnng time before any if any big crunch so we not need worry and I doubt every time the universe is created (?) that everything evolves the same way it did the last time ,but if it happened enough time some similarities may occur but I doubt it
And galaxies are still moving away from each other and will for billions of years ,the big crunch is a theory that won't be proven in our lifetime nut we know that galaxies are moving away from us gaining speed not slowing down

thats all I have for now

yeah im not worried about it dude loool like i said billions of years

The big bang is a big load of BS and Ive never heard of the big crunch theory.I have a hard time thinking a big ass explosion created all this.That just sounds STUPID but i don't believe that that its intelligent design either.Its just here and we'll never why so i don't waste any thing worrying about how this shit got here.Its now and its will be here when we die

well technically its really an infinitely small point rapidly expanding with an INSANE amount of energy... it's called Big Bang because that sounds better and help people understand the idea
Eitherway you say it all this comming from the rapid expanding small point or what ever is bs.I think there another way though like all these universes and milti-verses were just here the whole time