Kind of an exam!


Well-Known Member
I really wish u stoners can help me on this one.
So After a few months a have a kind of an exam, or a test, call it w/e you want. I have to speak about something (Be it what I like to do or my interests)
I have a dilemma: I could speak about playing guitar, or I could speak about the many uses of hemp (not really going into the whole "medicinal" uses)
For example: Paper, Clothing, Fuel, Food, building material, soil cleanup. and all that!

Combine the two, write a catchy tune to go with your presentation or use the guitar as part of the experiment, say when comparing the tone of an acoustic vs amplified and the effects it has on the plants or better still make a guitar out of hemp. :bigjoint:
Combine the two, write a catchy tune to go with your presentation or use the guitar as part of the experiment...say comparing the tone of an acoustic vs amplified and the effects it has on the plants

That is actually genius. But It's not a presentation and I'm pretty sure I'd look like a retard carrying a guitar, amp and all the stuff just so I could play a few songs :DD
That is actually genius. But It's not a presentation and I'm pretty sure I'd look like a retard carrying a guitar, amp and all the stuff just so I could play a few songs :DD
It's the new age bro...mix up a wicked master copy and pop it into your laptop add some graphics with an lcd screen and you're rock'n
It's the new age bro...mix up a wicked master copy and pop it into your laptop add some graphics with an lcd screen and you're rock'n

I really hate throwing your ideas away, but let's stay with "I have to go in, talk, mayeb show some pictures (actual pictures on photo-paper) or diagrams, and that's all. " :)
I really hate throwing your ideas away, but let's stay with "I have to go in, talk, mayeb show some pictures (actual pictures on photo-paper) or diagrams, and that's all. " :)
It's cool, I never liked school much anyways...what do they know of creativity ;-)
fuck me or fuck 10 char's?

I don't have the stamina to fuck two characters, or even one is she's too much of a character.

OP, maybe make a hempen guitar. Show&tell style, and strum the rest of your presentation. Go full Guthrie on'em. cn
I don't have the stamina to fuck two characters, or even one is she's too much of a character.

OP, maybe make a hempen guitar. Show&tell style, and strum the rest of your presentation. Go full Guthrie on'em. cn

;) If I made something out of hemp, that'd be a great addition. But a guitar is far too advanced for me. :D
Any ideas where I could get some hemp materials and what could I make? I don't really have time to start a hemp farm (growing non-psychoactive hemp is legal here)and get the supplies to manufacture the fiber-thing-material-stuff's.
I'm usually not in the business of telling complete strangers to fuck off.

Needs a punchline. cn
