King's 2nd Grow - Round 2 Bagseed


Well-Known Member
well here i am starting my 2nd journal with bagseed. i can't believe this is already my 2nd journal i remember sitting here typing out my first go around.

well as for the first harvest, wasn't quite what i expected. shitty bagseed+no nutes+pest problems+shitty soil+CFL's to close to leaves = airy bud, with a minimal yield.

this time around, i have bagseed again but the genetics of these 2 lady's is 100 times betters than my previous grow. the last grow was 1 single seed, that acutally germed and somehow turned out female. good luck i suppose, should've played the lottery the days i saw the pistils.

anyways...i know your all probably tired of me rambling on, thats even if your actually reading. but here's my 2 lovely ladies i have so far, they are 6 days into flower. i plan on adding more lights and picking up some tiger bloom from my local hydro store real soon when i get some more cash flow.

setup right now is 4 23w (100w equivilant) and 2 40w (150w equivilant). plans are to add 6 more bulbs, i found a nice deal on 23w CFLs on ebay.



Well-Known Member
bagseed is just seeds you get from regular bud you buy off the streets. i just kept onto the seeds i found in my weed and planted the best ones.


Well-Known Member
whats up mist? send me a link i'll check it out. yeah i'm flowering now with the CFL's, although i need to add atleast 6 more. the plan is either 6 23w, or 4 23w and 2 40w.

if anyone has any advise on the situtation let me know.


Well-Known Member
Yeah those amount of lights sound good, the more the better probably i think my cfls only put out 1600 lumens a piece, and i think MJ needs anywhere from 3000-9000 lumens

any updates ?


Well-Known Member
well the newest news to report is today i bought a bottle of fox farms tiger bloom to start in the 2nd week of flowering. i'm pretty excited about it since this is the first time i've actually had some "real nutes". before i only had miracle grow plant food. so i'm gonna give them nutes tonight and see what 24 hours does for the 2 lady's and get new pics up soon.


Well-Known Member
well here is finally an update on day 12 of flowering. no bud sites yet but the pistils are definitly multiplying. its so exciting every time. this is my 2nd grow and the flowering process is so fun to watch. i find it i have to force myself to leave my grow room alone for a few days so i can actually notice growth.

well's the new pics feel free to comment.



Well-Known Member
here's the most recent update. not to much to commnet on, the lady's are growing good and getting tall. the one on the left seems to be miostly 100% indica. the one on the right i think has some type of sativa pheno in it, which i am excited about. so far i've only fed one time with the tiger bloom and i think they love it. i used the suggested dose on the bottle and haven't seen any nute burn or anything. i'm gonna water with plain water tonight when the lights come on.

so here's the pics....comment how you'd like



Well-Known Member
quick update....just bought some molassess the other day so i will be feeding molassess every other watering. alternating the tiger bloom with the molassess.


Well-Known Member
Hi dude just in case you didn't know large professional cfls are very cheap and if you keep them about 4-5cm away from the tops of your plants a true 200watt high output cfl with a reflector will do wonders for you even a proper true 125watt cfl with a reflector works well on one or two plants if kept very close to the tops.

Anyway looking good for diy store cfls,but if you want some real fatn buds you will have to pay out for some more lights.
You can make you own reflector for cfls easily and just pick up the bulbs for 20-40 quid in my country anyway.

If it was my op i would put the cfls you've already got pointing at the sides of your plants and put a large 200watt cfl with a reflector 4cm above the tops with a fan blowing on it.

Anyways best of luck with it dude and thanks for supporting my journal:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Hi dude just in case you didn't know large professional cfls are very cheap and if you keep them about 4-5cm away from the tops of your plants a true 200watt high output cfl with a reflector will do wonders for you even a proper true 125watt cfl with a reflector works well on one or two plants if kept very close to the tops.

Anyway looking good for diy store cfls,but if you want some real fatn buds you will have to pay out for some more lights.
You can make you own reflector for cfls easily and just pick up the bulbs for 20-40 quid in my country anyway.

If it was my op i would put the cfls you've already got pointing at the sides of your plants and put a large 200watt cfl with a reflector 4cm above the tops with a fan blowing on it.

Anyways best of luck with it dude and thanks for supporting my journal:peace::joint:

hey nat thanks for stoppin by my journal and commenting. right now i can only afford the store bought CFL's, but this week i plan on adding 4 more 23w for side lighting. the ladies are gonna get their 2nd dose of tiger bloom tonight also.

well news for the day...since it was pretty nice outside i decided to take the ladies outside and give them some real sunlight for their last 2 hours of flowering. while out there i decided to snap some pics for you guys.

the smaller of the 2 (the indica) is starting to form some crystals already whle the sative pheno isn't showing any yet. i think the stretching has stopped so that means the buds are gonna start to fatten up soon...hopefully



Well-Known Member
Yeah man they look great for cfls,in fact those are some of the best diy store cfl plants i have ever seen,all though they have had some real sunlight,still looking bloody good for cfls i think:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
thank you for the remarks nat!!

the first day of real sunlgiht was today only for about an hour and a half so i don't think it really did anything spectacular. but i've check the weather and it's supposed to be nice all this week.

and since the plants 12-12 light cycle is midnight til noon, i'm gonna throw them outside for some real sunlight in the early morning when i starts to warm up


Well-Known Member
thank you for the remarks nat!!

the first day of real sunlgiht was today only for about an hour and a half so i don't think it really did anything spectacular. but i've check the weather and it's supposed to be nice all this week.

and since the plants 12-12 light cycle is midnight til noon, i'm gonna throw them outside for some real sunlight in the early morning when i starts to warm up
Yeah man thats cool.
My mate takes his plants out into the daylight as well.
You just have to be careful about getting them infested with spider mites or other bugs that blow around in the wind.
He made them some clear plastic tents to help to stop this from ever happening.

Its a shame you cant afford a pro cfl or a hid lamp as those plants look like they would give a load of bud of,with a bit of luck the sun exposure that your giving them will help them along.

Best of luck with it:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks know i have this sorta greenhouse type deal at my house, you can kinda see it to the far right in my first picture. do you think it would be a smarter idea to put the plants in there during the daylight to keep bug away?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, thanks for stoping by my journal, yours is looking good im glad to see were on the same day of flower, ill be watching this!


Well-Known Member
looks good for CFLs
...i will be can check out my bag seed grow as well...i am on my first grow indoors..i will be posting picturs this weekend...then have been in the soil since 4-3


Well-Known Member
looks damn good for CFL, if only you could afford like a used 400w HPS to help fatten up your buds. Either way though you've got a good thing going here.


Well-Known Member
If your green house is relatively clean, and there arent bugs visible to the eye, im sure it would be a good place for your plants. The extra humidity wouldnt hurt them at all either.

Keep it up.:joint: