Kiwi Milkyway 4 weeks flower - PICS


First grow, Kiwi milkyway (fem), vegd for 3 weeks. Veged under blue 250W CFL flowered under additional red 250W CLF and two weeks into flowering another red 125W CLF added for rest of time.
Rest of set up consists of a fan, home made CO2 bottle (sugar and yeast) and 40W tube heater to keep the chill off them on lights off as cupboard is quite cool at night.

3 plants, first grow so wanted to see effects of techniques such as topping and lollipoping

1: "small one" in a smaller pot from the others (limited space) just left to grow 100% naturally.
2: "the lolly popped one" bottom shoots coming from fan leaves were chopped about 4-5 nodes up a week into flower(fan leaves left).
3: "the topped one" topped a week and a half before flowering

Plants are now almost 4 weeks into flowering rekon there going to take about 10. Used BioBizz soil mixed with 4 weeks worth of nutes, were given some very weak general purpose plant food in early stage and two weeks ago started giving them BioBizz Bio Bloom though think i overdone it (too keen to load up and get bud growth) so last week or so lost a bit of lower foliage to what i presume to be nute burn. However gave them all a good flush out yesterday and only going to use water for next waters then use very dilute amounts there after so will hopefully be alright.

Had a small bit of light burn as well, my bad.

First grow so a bit ropey but please let me know what you think. How youd say theyr coming on?




Sr. Verde

Those are some VERY healthy looking plants my man... Subscribed ;)


Well-Known Member
I heard kiwi seeds are the BEST? I want to get some ALEGRIA Fems? any idea where i can get Alegria female seeds from, cos i can only find mixed and dont wanna germinate them all at once, i'd rather know which one is going to defo. be a lady, your grow is comming along very nicely, hope it yields well how tall do you reckon they ll get? are they indica or sativa? & lastly do they smell mental whilst in early flower? - Stelthy :)


yup yep , topping 4 me is always the shit , u can top the second node clip first and have a double lolli
Thanks. Yea that what i'm thinking will do in future if grow again from these plants, impressed with both topping and lollypoping think combination would kill it :lol:


I heard kiwi seeds are the BEST? I want to get some ALEGRIA Fems? any idea where i can get Alegria female seeds from, cos i can only find mixed and dont wanna germinate them all at once, i'd rather know which one is going to defo. be a lady, your grow is comming along very nicely, hope it yields well how tall do you reckon they ll get? are they indica or sativa? & lastly do they smell mental whilst in early flower? - Stelthy :)
Thanks. First grow so not exactly got allot of experience with different seed banks but def happy with Kiwi only germinated 3 seeds and all had tap roots in 24hrs and all have been female no hermies. I've not seen fem alegria though not looked that much to be honest.

Hoping it yields well too, part of reason went for Milkyway was the reasonably high yield and high quality. There mostly indica i would say the two in the larger pots are maybe just over a foot and a half have kept lights close to minimise stretch def growing hight while flowering so guessing will maybe end up bout 2 and a half feet rekon there going to take a bit to finish.

They smell absolutely BEAUTIFUL smelt pretty strong even before flower, keeping it under control with ona gell tho as can't have place stinking - as good as it smells.


What dose everyone think about the bud growth a this stage? Hoping for good yields (obviously i guess) :)

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
What dose everyone think about the bud growth a this stage? Hoping for good yields (obviously i guess) :)

Very impressive for a 1st grow.

With regards to the lower leaves tips dying off, dont worry about it, its natural. From around 4th/5th week of flower in my experience you will slowly find your lower fan leaves to yellow, shrivle up and die. Just cut them off once they look dead and start to sag.

What sort of dossage of bio biz bloom are you feeding them right now? Personally i found bio bizz bloom to be pretty nice to all my plants even at more than full dosage! But offcourse all strains vary, having never tried your strain i cant comment.

So far they look great, good bud sites, post some new pics up, and hopefully one day soon i might just be knockin at your doorstep for some mal haha ;-)

Keep up the good work bruv


Very impressive for a 1st grow.

With regards to the lower leaves tips dying off, dont worry about it, its natural. From around 4th/5th week of flower in my experience you will slowly find your lower fan leaves to yellow, shrivle up and die. Just cut them off once they look dead and start to sag.

What sort of dossage of bio biz bloom are you feeding them right now? Personally i found bio bizz bloom to be pretty nice to all my plants even at more than full dosage! But offcourse all strains vary, having never tried your strain i cant comment.

So far they look great, good bud sites, post some new pics up, and hopefully one day soon i might just be knockin at your doorstep for some mal haha ;-)

Keep up the good work bruv

Cheers! Was't a particularly strong dosage. Gave them it about five times. Was quite a bit of foliage going yellow and dying so was a bit worried. was all lower but seemed to be moving up you reckon thats ok?

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
Cheers! Was't a particularly strong dosage. Gave them it about five times. Was quite a bit of foliage going yellow and dying so was a bit worried. was all lower but seemed to be moving up you reckon thats ok?
If you feel the burning coming on too quickly on the leaves and more and more are wilting and burning, give them just plain ph tested water with no nutes for the next time or even possibly next 2 waterings, almost like a little flush. This should sort out any over feeding if any.


So after last time I got a bit of burning (what i thought was burning anyway) I gave them a flush and only used plain (distilled) water for the next two feeds. After that gave them under half the maximum dosage feed and by the next day foliage was yellowing again. Are these plants just really sensitive to nutes or is there some other kind of problem such as a mineral deficiency?
Have only been fed once since last nute feed with a little organic blackstrap molasses this dose't seem to have effected them negatively in anyway.
Nutes def seem to have boosted bud growth so want to use as much as possible should I just give them REALLY weak feeds with the BioBloom?

Help appreciated.




These pics are from about 3 days ago now. Having a bit of a mare with the plants just now. Just gave them water with nothing in it for the last three feeds but yellowing and dying of leaves is still happening wasn't too bothered to begin with because was mostly leaves not getting much direct light or blocking the lower bud sites anyway but seems to be getting progressively worse and starting to be a bit of a problem. Don't know how many leafs are going to be left healthy in a week or two at this rate!

Really doing my head in, they started off so healthy but are staring to look pretty bad now. Starting to think is a nitrogen deficiency, don't really know though only thing making me think isn't is that it seemed to be made worse by giving them nutes? so was making me think they were just really sensitive to the nutes.

Starting to get a bit of the hairs turning now. on one of the colas on the topped one almost all the hairs are orange. Buds are getting really frosty now as well.

Any advice or thoughts form anyone would really be appreciated please. This leaf problem is really pissing me off.




Active Member
dont worry! fan leaves yellow and die off in flowering; very common thing. if you have a lot a leaves falling off earlier in flowering, than it could possible be a nitrogen deficiency brought on by not enough N in veg. your plants are doing wonderful! wish i had one of em in my grow room for harvest.

nice first grow!

edit: it does look like some of the fan leaf tips are curling downward; what are your flowering nutes? curling tips is usually the very beginning of phosphorus toxicity. but again i wouldn't worry about it, just keep it in mind for future grows.


Thanks for quick reply and encouragement. Know bit of yellowing is normal during flowering but just seems to be a bit much going on to me when i'm pulling leafs off (dead) every day. Has just been doing my head in as seems like a bit of catch 22 situation with the nutes as def seemed to be making worse when adding them but plain water dose't seems to be making any difference now and obviously want to be giving them all the food they can handle to have them big and healthy.

Guess this is just part of the steep learning curve of your first grow - really like the Milkyways and sure is going to be worth it in the end but kind of think should of gone with advice of m8s that have grown and started with slightly more main stream strain for first grow.

Sure it is the N tho. Think i'm just going to use the nutes for rest of grow should only help add N? Have some "Chilli Focus" that is 3:0.9:4.3 think that might be any better than the bio bloom thats 2:6:3.5? Have read that coffee can help add N any idea about that?

Thanks again for help, +rep

EDIT: flowering nutes have just been biobizz bio-bloom and a few feeds with molasses - not really had much though overall as thought to begin with were getting nute burn.


Active Member
personally i wouldnt add any more higher N ferts this late into flowering, you could but it make make the buds leafier and ensures a longer budding period. my first 3 grows ended up like this: killed my first plant, my 2nd and 3rd grows i didnt supply enough N and literally pulled a handful of fan leaves off every day for a week, but after awhile once i cleaned all the dead leaves off the drop rate slowed WAY down.

my personal opinion ---> keep doing what your doing, they look fantastic and like they will yield very well.

good choice with molasses, i love that shit

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
Sup yaar :leaf:

how are the ladies doing?

Are you still giving them bio biz bloom? is that almost 7 weeks flower now?

Remember plan ahead in terms of when to flush, how long u thinkin of lettin em go till?

Have u got an eye loupe or any decent magnifying tool? if so how are the trichs looking? any hint of an amber / orange tinge on any yet?

there is a very good thread on here by dude called dr zues, il link it when i dig it up, its on harvesting and timing, shows some very good info and pics on what a finnished lady should look like, has an almost orange glare over the whole plant. very interesting read.

Im getting fuckin sick of smoking this hash here, i am indeed looking forward to seeing how your bud turns out :weed:

Top work keep it up


Girls doing alright yea seven weeks now, giving them the biobloom wasent for a while as i was thinking it was burning them but in hindsight was just the budding drawing the nitrogen from leafs (or what ever it is that causes yellowing during flowering) as most plants do so cutting the nutes out probably only made it worst, nube mistake but have learnt now.

Yea starting to think about harvesting, got a 30X loop. On the small one and topped one trics are maybe 40/60 clear and cloudy apart from the odd area of amber which is mostly on the tips of leafs which would be trimmed off anyway. One of the colas on the topped one is significantly more amber then the rest of the plant. Overall would say about 50% of pistols are orange now apart from the lolly-popped one which is only about 10% and has the most bud on it - has been at the back of the closet the whole flowering time so think conditions are slightly better and more stable.

Am sure the topped one will be ready to harvest first and will give the other two at least an extra week or two- once the topped one is out there will be room to use the 125W red light as a side light hanging it vertically.

Def want to let the bud mature properly tho, not gona chop before they are 100%.

Will look out that link.

Anyone know if its worth or possible to harvest parts of a plant at a time i.e from top down to let lower bud sites get a bit more direct light and mature a bit more?