KLOSET (the one in the middle)


Active Member
So it's option #2, a nook in the garage which is 26" deep, 44" tall and 68" wide. Given the 2' width restriction and the height capped at 44" (minus pot height plus light clearance) I am looking for something that can be matured at around (44")-(6")-20" = 18" !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Holy dwarf bait, Batman!

Should I concede that 400w HPS is too much in this space? What do people grow with a 4' clearance other than deep seated resentments? Species? I will be ordering from Nirvana (unless someone has a few cuttings in Seattle that they can leave by the curb somewhere for me, once the snow stops.........). Seriously, I am going down this path and promise full documentation (8x10 glossy pictures with a paragraph on the back of each one) and wanna do it right. I am not crying about buying lights or doing it right, just need the data man! 2-250w HPS with lens covers? Go back to the shed idea and figure out how to screen from the neighbors?

Wise ones, help please?



Well-Known Member
Seems to me like the shed idea sounds better but I havnt read your thread about the cituation. That space sounds small


Well-Known Member
A space as small as the average wardrobe will provide enough bud for personal use (including a few friends).

Creating a space find a suitable sized wardrobe or cupboard. If you want something bigger, construct a box with roughcut timber covered with plywood, chipboard or plasterboard. The box could extend from floor to ceiling, giving the impression that it is an integral part of the structure of the house. The last sentence is really important. You can disguise it.

The floor of the growroom should be some sort of waterproof tray. The floor (wardrobes and cupboards) should be strong enough to support the weight of your plants, pots and water-soaked compost. Don't scrimp on this I nearly lost a beautiful plant and some expensive lights due to a poorly installed molley screw.

Make a door big enough to allow easy access to the plants and equipment inside.

Line or paint the room with something reflective; matt white seems to work better than a mirror finish. But glossy white is a better finish if you want something that you can scrub. Remember that the inside will have to be cleaned periodically to remove dust, compost, mould and algae.


Active Member
In short, 44" is too short unless I wanna grow dwarf weed. Fine. I'll see if I can pick up another 12" by hogging out the bottom and recessing the lights into the ceiling.

Fundamentally what is a good minimum height to grow indica/sativa hybrids in a space about 2-3 squre? I have looked at all the schematics folks have posted, but I also now somebody was growing small (Vi-Redd?). I have no problem investing in infrastructure and can handle all the hardware and wiring issues. I just need to know if I should give up on the 2 best options I have now and try to find something taller.
