KneeCap's 2nd Medical Card Grow...Crop 1


Well-Known Member
I can't describe the excitement as I opened the boxes to the 2 600w HPS setups that I just got in the mail. I immediately hooked them up and put them over the freshly re-adjusted SCRoG. As you can see the canopy was tightened up on both sides. The 2 mother plants still have about the same potential as the whole other 10 plants, so I dedicated one light to them and the other to the rest.


These plants are very pliable and easy to work into the 7” x7” squares.

With the HPS's on a newly adjusted canopy. The lights are bout 20 inches from the canopy.

These 600's are awesome. I have the windows open in the corner of the room, so far so good. This is Michigan, so temp and humidity control can be adjusted with the North and West windows.

At 11:00 P.m. On 11/11/11, I turned the lights off on these 12 plants for the first time since starting the mothers on 8/21/11.

Ignore those attached thumbs down below, I can't delete them/.//



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* Due to a bad neutral wire coming into my house, there was a crazy surge shortly after I turned the lights on. This surge blew my tv up and caught a powerstrip on fire. So while waiting for my electrician and then ultimately the power company, the lights were out. Essentially, the lights were out all day on Nov. 12[SUP]th[/SUP]. Therefor, to make the continuity of this report accurate and for me to easily see exact numbers, I will skip a day of Flowering.


Well-Known Member
Fed Crop 1 Biothrive Bloom for the first time. Fed at the “Heavy” recommendation.
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Left to right: The 2 Mother Plants... Now they are producing buds. Notice how well they have filled in the entire left side of the 4x8. There are only a few small gaps, mostly on the right. The right pic is the 10 clones. The canopy is conforming to the net and starting to shoot up towards the light. In a couple days, the net will be carefully moved up to accommodate even more bud sites coming through while revealing the stuff underneath that can just be whacked off.

In the back there are the 30 new plants started on 11/2. They were veggin' at a remote locale so they didn't get the bend-training that their big sisters got, so I topped them. After new growth is long enough, I will start to bend train.

The plant box that has the two Indica in. I'm running out of room and have to get rid of a lot of the clones in cups.

The third Indica plant. This one is the heathiest one. The weakest one, well, I shitcanned it.

The 3 Extra Plants and the NL Mother Plant. The next clone session will have to be held off on as I am becoming overwhelmed with plants in various veg stages.


Well-Known Member
Fed Crop 1 BioBud and gave them more Cal Mg+ - all on a Light mix.

The pics below illustrate the light movement that I do throughout the day...



11 a.m to 2 p.m.
2 p.m. To 5 p.m.
5 p.m. To 8 p.m.
8 p.m. To 11 p.m.

After moving the trellis up soon, I will leave the lights fixed for the most part. <That ended up not being the case says Future Me> Its just so easy to move it around. The canopy is REALLY filling in and spreading out.


Well-Known Member
Watered and Sensizym'ed Everything! Crop 1, Crop 2, the NL Mother, the 2 Apollo 13 &#8220;Extra Plants&#8221; and the 3 Seed Plants. Crop 2 got Bent. The NL and Extra Plants got staked. The Idicas &#8211; well, they shed some.
The T5 over Crop 2 with the two Extra Apollo 13 plants on the left.

There's the Apollo 13's, staked.

The Seed Plants, 1 up front and two in the back.

Better view of the newly re-potted seed plant.




The NL after being staked. Notice the nice emerald color and the mostly Indica looking leaves.



Well-Known Member
Today was Pruning Day for Crop 1. One of the things I hate the most about growers arguing back and forth about different methods and techniques is the issue of Pruning. If I had an outdoor crop, I would do very minimal pruning. Indoors, to me, it just makes a lot more sense to keep the plants free of what I call &#8220;Amazon Zones.&#8221; Areas where mold and fungus get out of hand very rapidly. With this SCRoG technique, it is almost Essential to prune the frill (AKA &#8220;Scraggle&#8221;) under the screen. Its day 10 of budding... if something didn't make it through the screen and figure it out by now, it ain't gonna. I also fed Crop 1 with BioThrive Bloom, CalMg+ and Black Diamond.

The Scraggle. Scraggle Rock. Nothing down here is going to grow anything but long shoots with tiny buds and, oh yeah, mold and fungus. Then comes the gnats. No thanks.

This is after the shave. It was the closest one. I must say, compared to the others, this was a clean job. The others, well, I butchered em, but they are tough plants and will recover. Besides, I need something to do with all the N that is still in the soil, as I have seen evidence of N burn.

One of the big Momma's. This is the OG Kush.

There's the Apollo 13 momma.

Now you can see to the other side. That's almost all ten of the clones.

These baby buds are 10 days post-switch.

Canopy check.

One of the many Colas being pushed up through the screen.

Pile of leaves and small buds that was extracted in the painstaking pruning I performed over a 8 hour period. With lots of breaks =)


Well-Known Member
Fed Crop 1 Super B+, Sensizym, and BioBud. Crop 2 maxed out and needs to be transplanted asap. I &#8220;got rid&#8221; of the extra clones and the 2 Apollo 13 extra plants. The Veg room is pretty manageable. I kept 10 Apollo 13's and 2 OG Kush for Crop 2.

Trim from Crop 2.

Crop 2.

Random Pics of Crop 1...
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Indica plants in plant box...

Crop 2 after getting rid of the extras.

NL and Indica.

Indica, NL.


Well-Known Member
Fed the Mother Plants with Biothrive Bloom, Diamond Black and CalMg+. Gave Diamond Black and Cal Mg to the other 10 and pruned some more. Fed Crop 2 with AgeOld Grow and Super B+.

Crop 1 left side of tent (2 mother plants).

Crop 1 right side (10 clones).

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<---- Various baby buds from Crop 1. They're almost not babies anymore :P --->
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Well-Known Member
Crop 2 was transplanted today. Crop 2 will no longer be talked about in Journal 1.

Crop 1 Updated Pics...

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Quick Couple of updates...

Day 98 Overall Day 20 Flowering 2011.12.2

Watered with water and Sensizym.

Day 101 Overall Day 23 Flowering 2011.12.5

Gave Biothrive Bloom, BioBud and Sensizym.


Well-Known Member
Gave Mothers Biothrive Bloom, CalMg+, Diamond Black and Sensizym


The two mother plants.

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Sorry about the shitty camera... I'll take real pics with a good cam soon.

The Ten clones.

Buds nearing the halfway mark. The clone crop is growing way better than the mothers, who have been growing since late in August.


Well-Known Member
Day 103 Overall Day 25 Flowering 2011.12.7

Started feeding the two mother plants more often than the other plants now... today it was Biothrive Bloom, CalMg+, Sensizym, and Diamond Black.

Day 106 Overall Day 28 Flowering 2011.12.10

Gave Mothers Biothrive Bloom, BioBud, super B+; Gave Clones BioBud, super B+, Diamond Black.


Well-Known Member
Gave Clones Biothrive Bloom, BioBud, Cal Mg+, and Sensizym. Gave Mothers Biothrive Bloom, BioBud and Sensizym. Checked dozens of leaves for bugs... found some isolated incidents of 1 bug on two leaves out of about 200 checked. No signs of any major infestation. No sign of spider mites. Looked further, looked high and low, far and wide, didn't find anything of any significance. Talking 1 thripe and a couple of random mealy worms. Shit that blew in off of the carpeted floor, no doubt. I do vacuum, but its a high traffic area, and dead plant material ends up on the carpet outside of the growing chambers from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Finally, I borrowed a half way decent camera and took these pics of some of the buds. I ran these through a photo editor to adjust color and contrast.
OG Kush.

2 in the middle: Battle of the Kolas: Left Apollo 13 - Right OG Kush.

Apollo 13... little Christmas Tree looking buds.

OG Kush, lots of dense little nugs everywhere.

I turned up the highlights on this shot so you can see the amount of trichones on the buds.

Under the trellis: Ewok Village. Everyday a handful of dead stuff is produced under here.

I moved the big colas out of the way so the little nugs at the bottom get light and develop. These buds are actually a layer above what would be considered "lerf."

More Christmas tree shaped Apollo 13 buds. This is a real accurate representation of the true color of these buds in this shot.


Some OG Kush buds are developing large beercan like profiles.


<--- OG Kush --->



Small nug... OG Kush... Looking tight.



Well-Known Member
The exciting news is that there is only 10 days left for the Apollo 13. And by the looks of things, the OG Kush is of the variety that seems to finish quick from the top down. I mean, there are buds still trying to grow on these plants. Buds do triple or more in size in 4 to 5 days when they poke through the canopy. I hear a lot of growers trippin on the stretch factor with OG Kush. Well, in a ScroG, its awesome because the stretch is usually a lurf bud somehow shooting up to the top of the canopy and becoming something. In some cases, they become a cola with two side buds down about 6 inches on the shoot. Its amazing. Enough talk, lets check out the update...



Holla at yo boi. Here is H-Bomb's xmas bud. OG Kush.

It looks like it might end up being about 1.3 g cured. <It Did says my future self ;)>

Here it is divided up into bud, good trim, fan leaves.

This fluffy lurf-bag was hanging out under the Apollo 13 mother , its not doing shit, so its time to start whacking off bud like its weed porno in this bitch.

Zap! Looks like the whole grip might yeild a grizzle. Maybe. Its Apollo 13 though, so that's cool. Every hit counts with that shit.


Well-Known Member
Gave Clones BioThrive Bloom, CalMg+, and Sensizym, Gave Mothers CalMg+, Diamond Black, and Sensizym. This is the last time the 2 Apollo 13 plants will get food.


Well-Known Member
Clones: Gave OG kush Last feeding: Biobud, CalMg+, Sensizym, and Diamond Black. Gave Apollo 13 Water + Double dose Sensizym

Mothers: Gave the OG Kush Cal Mg+, also gave it ½ liter of the mix I gave the OG Kush clones.

Fresh Flix, chitty camera again... good camera day is coming soon...






