Knock off Hydro


Well-Known Member
I have recently encountered a new (to me anyway) scam, or... partial scam. They are knock off Watsons and now, knock off lortab and percoset.

I don't know who is making them, I suspect I know where they are coming from but I have experience with knock off or counterfit pills.

Now, I am making up the definitions here - a knock off being akin to the real thing in formulation, that is, a knock off watson will have about the same amount of APAP and the same amount of hydro. A counterfit may not have any of the standard drug in it at all. I have seen some of these pills of late that I suspect are heroin based and probably have no hydro in them at all.

Some know I have had extensive experience with pills and I learned to detect counterfits after 1987, the year that Quaaludes were outlawed. the bevels on these pills were not clean, when aligned, the score was either off center or not random as they are in authentic quaaludes. Most pills are polished, or finished to a high gloss, these are not. Most pills are within a few mg of being the same weight, these vary by as much as 50 mg. The color of the pills have subtle variations and some, that are supposed to be talc white are off white or even brownish.

Bio-analysis has me suspect that some of them are simply slightly less potent but it could be that the binders are not of the same quality and alter bioavailabilty - I'm not sure. And I have encountered some that simply don't do anything at all.

Finally, and this just occurred to me, there are more and more counterfit OC 40's and 80's around as well. I have not seen these in 80's form that work at all. The 40's come in variations of colors and coatings from metalic gold to dull yellow. They are not in any way time release and the bevels are usually crude. Interestingly, the ones from any single batch do not vary much in weight.

I don't know what to think of these things but I am curious if anyone else has encountered them. I am sure they are black market only, are sold loose in every case (though legitimate ones can be as well). Anyone?
I have no clue about hydro

but the OC's on the street by me are almost all fentanal , Most of the addicts actualy preferr them becouse their stronger and require less prep work to IV

I used to notice the people with the real stuff would get them a few 100 at a time while the guys with the counterfit stuff would get them 1,000's at a time or more
I can see why someone would want to press active knock offs. Pills are worth a bloody fortune and as long as they look right and work most users aren't ever going to notice. If you can get a bulk opioid and a pill press most of the generic opioids should be pretty easy to make dyes for.
Thing is that norcos are by far the most popular. I've seen folks pay another dollar each for norcos when they had their choice of them, and lortab, and watsons, just because of the name. I have yet to see any of those.
Harder to do a convincing brand name pill? People will accept more variety in appearance from a generic maybe.
Interesting conversation here. Ya know kinda makes me wonder when and if they do get popped if they still get hammered with an opiate possession even though there bunk! Oh and I assure you gentlemen these bitches aint fake!similar 063.jpgsimilar 064.jpg
Wait a minute - anyone know of a simple test for the presence of:


or, any opiate? like the tests for mdma? I did a cursory search and all I can find is urine tests. Is suppose I could eat a suspect pill and then test my urine, but.... That really isn't an optimum method.
To tell one from the other? I know Mecke can tell if there is an opioid but it's really hard to distinguish them.
Wait a minute - anyone know of a simple test for the presence of:


or, any opiate? like the tests for mdma? I did a cursory search and all I can find is urine tests. Is suppose I could eat a suspect pill and then test my urine, but.... That really isn't an optimum method.

M is more of a herion type high almost sleepy
Oxy is actually a stimulant at normal doses
Hydro is also a stimulant / even more so than oxy, But as always it's dose/individual dependant

Oxy and hydro are also more bitter than M
Haven't taken pills in years..but vtmi..what are those pills?
Canndo,you may remember my chat about the one lude I got..I figured it was repressed vailum..but the edges were not crisp and I know that it was old,perhaps that's the get several thousand pills bumping into each other,chips,scuffs,abrasions,and powder happens..I know this from my mdma days..5k pills will leave about an 8th oz of powder in a bag,give or take a it may be possible they aren't knock offs..I have no insight on how to test gor the opoid contained in the pill except a gs/ms machine,and I'm pretty certain you don't have one of those...hope you figure out your conundum,id wanna know what I was taking,because if its a heroin pill,well,you could probably get it cheeper down the block..good luck man!
M is more of a herion type high almost sleepy
Oxy is actually a stimulant at normal doses
Hydro is also a stimulant / even more so than oxy, But as always it's dose/individual dependant

Oxy and hydro are also more bitter than M

See, that's the problem. I know the effects. pretty well and I think I can distinguish H from M, and hydro from the others but maybe a little trouble between oxy and hyro. The point is that it is hard to do with pills I'd rather kinda know the constituants of beforeI take them. I am sure that the 40's are real,but they have a distinct difference in potency depending on the batch - I've tried three different batches (colors actually). The gold ones I would judge to actually be stronger than 40's.

Now the worst are the knock off aderall. One can be perfect, the next four varying degrees of good to poor. Now useful is something like that?
Haven't taken pills in years..but vtmi..what are those pills?
Canndo,you may remember my chat about the one lude I got..I figured it was repressed vailum..but the edges were not crisp and I know that it was old,perhaps that's the get several thousand pills bumping into each other,chips,scuffs,abrasions,and powder happens..I know this from my mdma days..5k pills will leave about an 8th oz of powder in a bag,give or take a it may be possible they aren't knock offs..I have no insight on how to test gor the opoid contained in the pill except a gs/ms machine,and I'm pretty certain you don't have one of those...hope you figure out your conundum,id wanna know what I was taking,because if its a heroin pill,well,you could probably get it cheeper down the block..good luck man!

Well, it is a very frustrating situation, made even more so by some information I got tonight. I hestiate to simply give my wife something I have not tried myself, she went ahead and took a knockoff percocet and told me that it was "wow, just great!!". but it is exactly the same color as the watsons, that can't be right. She is pretty good at understanding her reactions but still. Some of you know I don't dare take any serious stimulants, having had a rather alarming heart problem where my doctor told me that I was at the end of my stimulant taking life (my doctor is fully aprised of my .... um... hobbies). Since then I have stayed clear even of caffine for the most part. I let my wife have one of the adderall and she absolutely loved it. I immediately made arrangements to get a couple dozen of them, thinking that I could set her up for years.

the next batch didn't work, then did, then didn't. I finally took a quarter of one and it made my heart squirm in my chest - nomore of THAT crap. I tried some insufalated ritalin and it is very pleasant. doesn't last too long, isn't hard on the nasal passages, makes me alert, shaves off some of the morning funk after a late night and doesn't seem to affect my heart at all.

so where am I going with all this? I dunno, maybe looking for something too good to be true? maybe so.
how are said knockoffs being procured? i guess not a pharmacy? i have had no problems with any watson hydro based products i get. watson puts out the better stuff imo.

but if its black market interwebs shit then anythings possible i guess. although i didnt think H was oraly active
how are said knockoffs being procured? i guess not a pharmacy? i have had no problems with any watson hydro based products i get. watson puts out the better stuff imo.

but if its black market interwebs shit then anythings possible i guess. although i didnt think H was oraly active

h happens to work fairly well orally, they say 10 percent but I have a little story, I accidentally ate 30 mg. I was shocked at the effect.
Adderall will make a man squirm with uncomfortableness...actually writhe in discomfort..not a fun drug in my book..
h happens to work fairly well orally, they say 10 percent but I have a little story, I accidentally ate 30 mg. I was shocked at the effect.

I don't know if anyone knows about merrangues. Well, I had some pelletized h. I set the merrangue down inadvertantly on a pellet and unknowingly put it in my mouth. It tasted anything other than sweet and I wondered what it was - until I spit out what was left. Even so I got quite a ride.