Kool Bloom or Atomic Bloom Bastic


Well-Known Member
KoolBloom is a bit of a stressor and booster i believe, and Bloombastic is a booster only.
For the money, probably kool bloom


Well-Known Member
kool bloom liquid or powder? big difference as powder is used only in the last few weeks before harvest. mileage may vary so do your research.


Active Member
ive used bloombastic and its good stuff but quite expensive. i know at the minute they are giving away free samples on there website. it did get bigger but cant find anymore pics of when it was finished.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1895850
ive used bloombastic and its good stuff but quite expensive. i know at the minute they are giving away free samples on there website. it did get bigger but cant find anymore pics of when it was finished.
dammm thats with only bloombastic ?
or what else were u using?
i have bloom bastic right now a og grower of mine told me about ! TOLD ME ALL I NEEED!! but i have hella other shit 2...

what strain is that lucifer? n what week/