Kush is my cologne...


Well-Known Member
...and my anti-depressant.

What's up everyone, I hope you all are staying blazed and (relatively) sane during this extraordinary era. I have positively zero background in growing, but I would love to get into it someday when my partner and I get my our place. In the meantime, I'm just trying to stave off the psychological effects of cabin fever and a rapidly decaying civilization with a steady regimen of gory video games, edgy fucking jams, and of course a whole lotta loud. I am very fortunate and privileged to live in a state where it's legal, but I prefer supporting local plugs to purchasing from overpriced dispensaries that look like Apple stores. But I digress...

I'm looking forward have plenty of great discussion and camraderie with people here, and hopefully make a few "buds" along the way. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask 'em! Take care of yourselves and thank you all for your hospitality!