Kushee's Fluorescent Adventure


Active Member
I read A LOT of articles on the net why Not to grow marijuana with fluorescent lighting so i decide to do an experiment to see if i could grow a reasonable amount of buds with at least 50% of the potency they might have had under recommended Lighting.

I started out with 37 seeds picked out of a bag of Rego's (term used for "regular" weed / no kush or dro etc... just regular weed). Germinated by wrapping 5 seeds to a sheet of damp paper towel (8 sheets total) then placing them in a dark cup with a lid. Opened, Misted with Water n superthrive and Re closed each towel every 3 days...Long story short we ended up with 4 seedlings, and i now have 2?. Any ways i started the seedlings (Plant A in a clear 1 1/2 gallon container and Plant B in a Half gal KFC cup lol.) in a closet using 4 typical house lamps with 100 watts of incandescent light and 1200 lumen's each = 400 watts / 4800 lumen's (24 hour lighting with bulbs 8 inches above tops), temperature at 80*, box fan on /n off for first 3 weeks, room has very low humidity and the method of watering used was foliar feeding with water, superthrive (5 drops to 32oz spray) and Schultz tomato and veggie fertilizer (18-19-30) daily.

When plants were 3 and 1 week old i took away all vitamins and ferts and fed plants only water for a week then i went back to the ST but instead of the 18-19-30 fert i switched to a 14-6-9 fert. Fan is now on 24/7, humidity still low, temp is now 75*, and plants have almost tripled in size since first fed with superthrive. No health problems yet but simultaneously leaves on both plants start to point up.

Plant B is now showing health problems on the bottom 3 nodes, yellowing leaves, yellow dots on leaves, leaves curling under, and edges of leaves looking crispy. i leached Plant A And Plant B by sitting them in the tub and showered them 75% water, then rinsing out the soul with 3 gallons of filtered water with calcium i bought from the grocery. i transplanted plant A into a 3gal pot soon as the water stopped dripping from drain holes. Plants seems to look a whole lot better 3 days after there bath. lol

I switched back to feeding only water for 2 days then back to the ST and 18-19-30 fert just the day before moving plant A into flowering stage at Exactly 1 month old by removing it from grow room and placing it in a Tall Dresser chest for 2 weeks. she pre-flowered in exactly 2 weeks! I moved her back in the grow room and began to flower the other plant which was 1 month by now. lights On at 8am off at 8pm. 1 week after the 2 plants have been flowering together i re-scheduled the lighting to on at 12 and off at 12 (Made transition during night / longer dark period that night)

From the Incandescents i switched to 4 13=60 watt/ 830 lumen's fluoro light bulbs and 1 100 watt/ 1200 lumens incandescent light. i place 1 of eacf fluoro 1 inch over the top of ach plant / 2 on the sides and the 100 watt at the bottom between the 2. No longer using superthrive just water and the 18-19-30.

I decided to top the plants when they reached 9 nodes, Plant A was first to reach 8 so she's first to get topped. Bud sites got 500% bigger in a matter of 3 days! I removed the fert from the feeding system and just gave em water for 3 days before starting the Organic fert and water treatment. Sun. Tue, Thur. and Sat i foliar mist with just water. Mon, Wed, and Fri i foliar feed with a tea made from 1 gallon H2o, 2 table spoons unsulphured robust molasses, 2 teaspoons of 18-19-30 and a tea made from Chamomile, spearmint, West Indian lemongrass, tilia flowers, blackberry leaves, orange blossoms, hawthorn berries and rosebuds.

2 1/2 weeks after Plant b started Flowr stage Pistils came out....

A @ 2wks

A @ 3wks

A @ 3 1/2 wks

A and B @ 2 and 4 wks

A Pistils @ 1 1/2 Month

A And B @ 1 1/2 month and 1 month

B top @ 1 month

A top @ 1 month

A @ 2 day after being topped

A @ 4 day after being topped

Plant B @ 1 1/2 month and Plant A @ 2 months


Active Member
Oh yeah, forgot to mention I've been putting pot-ashes around the stalk of both plants since day 1. I also blow smoke on them twice a day wright after watering. What good is this method?...IDK lol.