Labratory Chemicals


Active Member
I have access to Government research labs in plant bio-security and agriculture/primary industries labs full of chemicals and all sorts of funky shit. They even have ultimate grow rooms fully set-up in coldroom panel rooms fully computer automated. Anyway i wanted to know if there were any particular substances, compounds or chemicals i could keep an eye out for to boost my grow? Spotted some silver nitrate, potassium nitrate, heaps of sulfates and liquids and all sorts of really hard to get your hands on looking shit !!!


Well-Known Member
Last place I'd ever want to ateal chemicals from in this day and age.. Half of what you could take could be used to make bombs, and the other half, well like I said, in today's political climate they'll still send the thought police after your ass..
Most relatively raw fertilizing chemicals can be bought dirt cheap in the quantities you could need..

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
be careful with things in a lab. you never know what you're messing with. i worked in a microbiology/immunology lab that was loaded with stuff. i later found out that the majority of the things in there was totally poisonous or carcinogenic.


Well-Known Member
Actually labs are one of the places where you can actually be relatively confident that you know what you're dealing with.. They're probably using reagent grade chemicals.. Yea, some are dangerous, but atleast there shouldn't be mystery bottles etc..


Active Member
i did "acquire" some potassium nitrate a short time ago which i melted down with some sugar for one mind blowing smoke bomb lol! (dont fukin do it less you know how fool) Looks like they use a combination of 400W MH and 400W HPS together with a diffuser to blend the spectrums. Seems to work awesome on grain or whatever it is. The security is almost non existant in the labs and are frequently un-attended with lights off. Easy to swipe a few ml's or grams or something wicked. Tried a little of that "friendly Ag Products" Anti-stress acrylic polymer liquid (foliar sprayed) on one plant. It has a gloss to it but otherwise no aparent differances.