lack of nutes?


Active Member
i have a 2 week old plant from bag seed being grown hydro.....the leaves are staying curled not using any nuts yet....don't know whats causing ph is 6.1....could it be a lack of nutes?


Active Member
this sounds like a magnesium deficiency u will have 2 feed with some ferts go for npk of 20 20 20 this will correct your deficiency ..........................


Well-Known Member
It is hard to answer with no pics, but i would lower the ph abit. Make sure temps are good at top of plants, and if it is a magnesium deficency add some epsom salts about 1 tablespoon per gallon. I think 20/20/20 is a bit much for 2 week old plants at a full dose, maybe 1/4th dose to start with some epsom salts.