Lactic acid bacterium, organic fertilzer


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used labs? If not its under Korean natural farming. It works excellent, haven't done it in a while but should. Sprayed on it kills pm, watered in gives plants a super boost of bennificial bacteria, you can ingest this pro biotic as well.
Sure, Southern Ag Biological Fungicide and Serenade are both lactic acid bacteria. Serenade contains bacillus subtilis, which is what is used to ferment Natto. Great stuff!
I've been playing around with LABS lately, made up some bokashi with it last week so we'll see how that goes
I really want to make some IMO3, seems as though this is the backbone of KNF, with LABS playing more of a support role, but LABS by itself has a ton of uses
I use Lab’s all the time: Fish Amino Acid and Fermented Fruit Juice. I ran out of Lab(only) and will be making some soon. Yeah they work really well in the soil.
Did you make the FAA or buy it? I want to make my own, but until then I'm looking pick some up, I ordered for Alaska fish fertilizer, but I know it aint the same. Can't seem to find any commercial FAA product
FAA and FFJ are not LAB

I made my FAA with lactobacillus and yes LaB is present in FFJ

Here’s the recipe

you can use LaB in FFJ and I believe it is in FFJ.

Fermentation of fruits and vegetables can occur “spontaneously” by the natural lactic bacterial surface microflora, such as Lactobacillus spp.,Leuconostoc spp., and Pediococcus spp.; however, the use of starter culture such as L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L.gasseri, and L. acidophilus provides consistency and reliability of performance [24].

I've been playing around with LABS lately, made up some bokashi with it last week so we'll see how that goes
I really want to make some IMO3, seems as though this is the backbone of KNF, with LABS playing more of a support role, but LABS by itself has a ton of uses

Did you make the FAA or buy it? I want to make my own, but until then I'm looking pick some up, I ordered for Alaska fish fertilizer, but I know it aint the same. Can't seem to find any commercial FAA product

I made it myself. You can use IMO-1 to make Fish Amino Acid, which you can buy off the web. Check out Neptune’s harvest as well for Fish Hydrolysate, be warned it does contain phosphoric acid for chelation.