Well-Known Member
Lady Bugs are something us new growers seem to get that seems like a right of passage, something we have to do just once. Growing organic with a philosophy of keeping it green with no pesticides .... and dealing with fungas gnats seems like part of a grow now, just something you have to deal with. Having wigglers in the soil I'm hesitant to use any type of spinosad insecticide at the moment. I'm using and have been using "natural" insecticide like Lost Coast Plant Therapy and Mammoth cannCONTROL. Both made with natural ingredients. The latter (Mammoth) seems to be handling it well at the moment. The gnats come in spurts per weather conditions. Some days I see none, some days it's war. Out of curiosity, and because I'm a nature kind of guy, decided to give these lady bugs a spin. Made a makeshift housing for them (medium tub) with raisins and a wet a sponge so they can drink water at their leisure. rolled up some cardboard so they can huddle up in. Instead of just dumping the 300 count order on top of a plant, I made a small short term lady hotel for them, hopefully they stay put. Set the box near the tent away from the bright lights, within half hour some had made their way into the tent on their own. This might be my first and last use of them though. I already Invision finding a few in my buds when I'm ready to smoke a bowl.