Lady problems


And it's the day after Valentines day, I must have done something wrong :lol:

I’ve got a problem with my ladies. I have been, and will continue reading up on the causes and such and what to do to correct the problem.
However I do recognize that you all have a wealth of knowledge and information and thought a few of my fellow gardeners might be willing to share and help me correct my problem..
The plants are growing in soil in a closet the temp runs from 77 to 64 low at night. They are on a 18/6 cycle and have been for 3-4 weeks. They are probably 3-4 months old and in the vegetative stage. The worst looking one was transplanted last week into a larger container using an organic growing mix. Water is applied every 3-4 days as necessary they have been on that schedule for ever, I did fertilized them 3 days ago and noticed the problem this morning, I do suspect that they might be over fertilized?
Should I purge the soil with water, I don’t want to over compensate by over watering and cause another problem :?:

As stated earlier I will continue reading up on plant problems, just looking for and utilizing additional recourses within the Community.




Well-Known Member
And it's the day after Valentines day, I must have done something wrong :lol:

I’ve got a problem with my ladies. I have been, and will continue reading up on the causes and such and what to do to correct the problem.
However I do recognize that you all have a wealth of knowledge and information and thought a few of my fellow gardeners might be willing to share and help me correct my problem..
The plants are growing in soil in a closet the temp runs from 77 to 64 low at night. They are on a 18/6 cycle and have been for 3-4 weeks. They are probably 3-4 months old and in the vegetative stage. The worst looking one was transplanted last week into a larger container using an organic growing mix. Water is applied every 3-4 days as necessary they have been on that schedule for ever, I did fertilized them 3 days ago and noticed the problem this morning, I do suspect that they might be over fertilized?
Should I purge the soil with water, I don’t want to over compensate by over watering and cause another problem :?:

As stated earlier I will continue reading up on plant problems, just looking for and utilizing additional recourses within the Community.

flush, nute burn!!!


Well-Known Member
Flush em ASAP... Your gonna want to give them a good flushing and just water for the next few watering's...


Thanks for the replies.
I flushed them each in a 5 gallon bucket of water, allowing them to soak for 20-30 minutes each. I then drained both and topped both pots off with 1 inch or so of new soil. Do you think this will be enough of a purge or should I repeat again tomorrow?