Larry Kudlow, Trump's minion who oversaw the worst economic collapse in American history.


Well-Known Member
Larry Kudlow was on ABC this morning schilling for Dear Leader.

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And as he is spouting Dear Leader propaganda, it occurred to me how over his head he is. Poor dude.

Edit, obviously Kudlow didn't 'oversee' it. But he is a stooge and needs his own page. Couldn't think of a better title.
Trump destruction of government accountability at it's finest.

To cook the books on the economic numbers it looks like Trump's goons skewed the unemployment rate by just not counting the people who lost jobs (by not being able to work due to virus reasons) in it. There are always a bunch of new jobs added and old jobs lost, what better way in Trump-cult logic than just not count people who are on some kind of hold and may or may not get their jobs back in the number. That way all those 'gains' don't get overcome by the 'losses'.
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I wonder if we will get accurate data on the employment situation before the election.
Think about reality sir.

"It is unfortunately very far from the real number. There are in fact 96 million Americans age 16 and older who are not in the labor force. Of this, just 5.4 million, or 91 million fewer than the number cited by Trump, say they want a job. The rest are retired, sick, disabled, running their households or going to school. "

6 million is not 40% of working america
It is funny to have a Canadian arguing that somehow Trump has been a success with the economy when he clearly has not been.

By almost every metric Obama's last three years were better than Trump's first three.

Trump took everything to the brink with all his trade wars, closing the government hammering 2 million+ workers during the holidays, destabilizing allied nations economic trade with our nation, etc.

And by bungling the response to the pandemic he has just allowed our economy to melt and stagnate so he could fuel millions into his rich buddies pockets.

And the worst thing is we can not trust the numbers coming out of the department of labor because Trump has had them shift people off the numbers that lost their job due to the pandemic.
Im not arguing, just my opinion, I think hes doing great behind the scenes for the country, he just sucks infront of the cameras, but I do think he will win this election
It is funny to have a Canadian arguing that somehow Trump has been a success with the economy when he clearly has not been.

By almost every metric Obama's last three years were better than Trump's first three.

Trump took everything to the brink with all his trade wars, closing the government hammering 2 million+ workers during the holidays, destabilizing allied nations economic trade with our nation, etc.

And by bungling the response to the pandemic he has just allowed our economy to melt and stagnate so he could fuel millions into his rich buddies pockets.

And the worst thing is we can not trust the numbers coming out of the department of labor because Trump has had them shift people off the numbers that lost their job due to the pandemic.
I am very irritated by the stuff you are saying. How can the DOW Jones reach an all time high when the economy is bad?
I dont think that this is how the stock market works really.. but maybe you are right
Im sorry to bum you out man, I really wish Trump would have done a better job with our economy and we all were much better off. I hoped I was wrong about Trump in 2016, but unfortunantly he was actually not as good as I thought he could be, because he is unable to listen to good advice for longer than a couple days.

The economy wasn't horrible necessarily, Trump made some dumb mistakes that didn't help it at all, but it was still doing well after the Obama recovery, now it is off the rails through.

There is good news, Moody's analytics shows how a Democratic sweep will actually spring the economy back far faster than Trump's winning will do.


That's neat. Here is one for you.
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Why do you hate Russia so much?
would you have preferred Hilary Clinton to have won the election? You know.. she promised she would go to war with Iran if she got elected. A war with Iran is a war with all muslims worldwide.

I like Putin and Russia and Trump. For me these are symbols of manlyhood. In a female/gay western world.
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Why do you hate Russia so much?
I dont hate Russia. Nor it's people and wish them all the best in life.

But this attack that their military are perpetrating on our citizens (who some are my actual friends and family) online is devastatingly effective and incredibly shitty. Families are fighting because Putin's trolls have tricked them into information bubbles that are so absurd and trigger such strong emotions from people that they can no longer discuss things rationally.

And with pre-programmed triggers on almost every newsworthy event, it is inevitable that someone will say the wrong thing unintentionally and have the other person blow up on them.

It must be stopped. I really hope for the people living under Putin's rule, that his military stops their attack on the worlds democracies.

would you have preferred Hilary Clinton to have won the election? You know.. she promised she would go to war with Iran if she got elected. A war with Iran is a war with all muslims worldwide.
You seem to have bought whole heartedly into the propaganda that was manufactured so that Trump could win against a real candidate.

We would not have gone to war with Iran, and the country would not have had Trump tear up our pandemic response because it was made during the Obama administration, and we would be far better off today because of that fact alone.

I like Putin and Russia and Trump. For me these are symbols of manlyhood. In a female/gay western world.
You are tricked into thinking that operating at about 33% efficiency is a good thing. We need 100% of all of our best and brightest working at their best ability leading our nation/world to be as strong as we can be.

The need to keep that 'manly' power structure is outdated and being used to trick you into thinking the things you do.
nice way to tell me I'm stupid. I like you :-)

Just maybe keep a little door open for the possibility that you have got it all wrong. Maybe Russia is not the enemy, not of the US and not of democracy. Thank you for making the effort to speak appropriately to me
It is funny to have a Canadian arguing that somehow Trump has been a success with the economy when he clearly has not been.

By almost every metric Obama's last three years were better than Trump's first three.

Trump took everything to the brink with all his trade wars, closing the government hammering 2 million+ workers during the holidays, destabilizing allied nations economic trade with our nation, etc.

And by bungling the response to the pandemic he has just allowed our economy to melt and stagnate so he could fuel millions into his rich buddies pockets.

And the worst thing is we can not trust the numbers coming out of the department of labor because Trump has had them shift people off the numbers that lost their job due to the pandemic.

It's about 40M with 1M additional weekly.
nice way to tell me I'm stupid. I like you :-)

Just maybe keep a little door open for the possibility that you have got it all wrong. Maybe Russia is not the enemy, not of the US and not of democracy. Thank you for making the effort to speak appropriately to me
No offense, but I will take Putin's word on this one. Because it is backed up by our American (and other ally nations) intelligence agencies intel.

They are attacking our citizens. It needs to stop.
I dont get the point you are making.. in germany for example the whole media was pro clinton and now is pro biden.
Same as the american media they try to manipulate everything the US President does and frame it in the worst possible way in order to get people emotionally steered up and angry.
Why should Putin not want Trump as a President with the argument he makes "to get the relationship between the US and Russia back to normal" which is completely perfect for me. Under Obama Russia was all the time portrayed as a dangerous military threat. And when he said yes he did he didnt mean the second part of the question concerning the interference, it was only because of the delay in the translation. His "yes I did" was exclusively meant to answer "did you want president trump to win the election" and if they wouldnt have cut the video right after his first sentence you could see what he answered to the second part about the interference.

what the first video shows is exactly the kind of framing for the worst/lying I am talking about. Perfect example.
& Putin, as Trump have a nice sense of humor. They are Trolls and I like it.
I dont get the point you are making.. in germany for example the whole media was pro clinton and now is pro biden.
Same as the american media they try to manipulate everything the US President does and frame it in the worst possible way in order to get people emotionally steered up and angry.
Why should Putin not want Trump as a President with the argument he makes "to get the relationship between the US and Russia back to normal" which is completely perfect for me. Under Obama Russia was all the time portrayed as a dangerous military threat. And when he said yes he did he didnt mean the second part of the question concerning the interference, it was only because of the delay in the translation. His "yes I did" was exclusively meant to answer "did you want president trump to win the election" and if they wouldnt have cut the video right after his first sentence you could see what he answered to the second part about the interference.

what the first video shows is exactly the kind of framing for the worst/lying I am talking about. Perfect example.
& Putin, as Trump have a nice sense of humor. They are Trolls and I like it.
man, i hope putin bombs Germany.
just because of me? They could just use Novichok to kill me.. in case they manage to get it done. As we all know the KGB is not very able in killing unsuspecting citizens with one of the most deadliest toxins in the world