So I’ve been dealing with what I initially thought was thrips in veg, treated with bonide once and my regular ipm with lost coast everything seemed to be healthy and happy, didnt see anything further. I am using humboldt tupar in plastic bags, with an ebb and flow system. I recently experimented going from 1 gal to 3 gal (which i think i may have overpacked the 3gal, leading to overwatering, than to pests is my theory) I also took the the risk of bringing clones in (I know, 99% likely to be my issue, but I wanted sour dubble and lemon heads lol) every clone i treated the same, bonide once than lost coast in veg. Its been a long while with success just staying simple, but ive had these tiny larvae now in all my reservoirs and i cant quite figure out whether its springtales or thripes or gnats. When I zoom in, they have like antennas, grey white ish appearance with a darker head. They sorta hop around a little, and flock hovering and bouncing on the water. Tried h202 which brought numbers down but didnt solve. I havent spotted a single bug on anything in a long time other than these. Occasionally a white fly but its rare and not as populated as these larvae seem to be, and they are populating fast. I have noticed one of the tables now has what appears to be white mites today moving somewhat medium speed when i lift up a pot after being watering/drained. Any leads as to what this is? How it may have come and how to eradicate it? Any info is much appreciated! I just treated azomax in the res today and flooded for a good while, going to dry back maybe 4-5 days than go ahead again